While I was writing this, I really tried to pick the top 7 things that I see others do (and have been guilty of myself) on the daily.
Below are things I have personally learned in my short time of living – whether it be from others or from my own experiences.
I hope to enlighten and to encourage those who are guilty of one or many of these. I pray the Lord opens your mind and your heart while reading this article, and that He does a miraculous work while doing so.
So here are my top 7 things to stop doing to yourself.
1. Stop Worrying
Worry is a thief and will get you nowhere. Trust me when I say that pouring your worries out to God and just accepting His peace is a whole lot easier than holding onto worry. Have you ever just worried yourself sick over something and it turned out to either not be so bad or completely different? It happens all the time. So in saying that, what do we gain by worrying? The Bible says to not even worry about tomorrow, for it is never promised. I used to be the world’s worst worrier when it came to how I thought something should turn out or how a particular situation should end, etc. I would be so stressed out I would cry or even ruin what should have been “fun” or “enjoyable”. I have had to teach myself to slowly let go of everything and just know that whatever is supposed to happen will eventually happen and if it never does, then it wasn’t my blessing. That in itself has made me a happier person overall.
2. Stop Trying to be in Control
This one really goes hand-in-hand with number one. There are certain things that are absolutely out of our control and as crazy as it sounds, it is supposed to be. If we were given control over all things, then there would be absolutely no need for God. Can you imagine the mess we would be in if God gave us control over all things? In all honesty, even if we were able to control everything we come into contact with, we would do it in the most selfish way possible. There are things that happen in life that has a purpose attached to it, and as hard as it is to not try to control it, we have to just trust that the Lord has a plan. He has a plan. One thing I have heard numerous times and will never forget is this: the more you try to control it in human flesh, the messier it becomes. So let go and let God.
3. Stop Holding Grudges
We’ve all heard it before: holding on to unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other to fall over dead. The only one you are causing more damage to is yourself. It literally strips you of every ounce of joy and peace you contain and it drains the life out of you. I can say this; I believe people who hold on to grudges miss major blessings in their life. The Bible even tells us that if we do not forgive others, we ourselves cannot be forgiven by our heavenly Father – the biggest blessing of all.
So forgive the person who hurt you. Forgive the one who did you wrong. In fact, forgive them before they even say sorry, if they ever do. Forgive for your sake, not theirs.
4. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others
This one for me was a life lesson in itself. I remember personally there being a time where I would always compare myself to other girls. Well her hair is thicker, she has flawless skin, her belly doesn’t poke out, she has amazing social skills, her personality is serious goals, and the list went on and on and on. So then God sat me down one evening with one of the girls I would compare myself to. What happened next would forever change my perspective. She begins to tell me her insecurities. She told me that she wishes to be like other girls because they don’t have her past and her medical issues. Once the conversation was over and done, I had to ask the Lord to forgive me for ever wanting to be someone else.
You have no idea what someone has gone through or even what they are going through to be where they are now. Not everything that glitters is gold, so stop comparing yourself to others. Please, stop.
5. Stop Settling
I really can’t say this enough. So many people settle because they become impatient or become lonely and sad. Don’t miss out on what God has for you because your timing doesn’t match up with His. Trust me; everything God has to offer is worth the wait.
Also, if you are not happy where you are now, then what in the world are you doing? We have one solid shot at this thing called life and I think it’s time to stop settling for things that doesn’t even make you happy. If you are not enjoying your current situation, then you have the power to change that. So stop settling and go out there and achieve something greater.
6. Stop Making Excuses
“I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength”. That one thing you’ve always wanted to do? Do it. If it brings glory to God, do it even more. Life is too short to make excuses and God is too big to not achieve them. If there is a will, there is surely a way. Work hard, save money, change directions; do whatever you need to do to get there. Then when you finally arrive, utilize it for the kingdom of God. God can and will take you places you have never dreamed of. Let Him be GOD and claim His promises - they are for YOU.
7. Stop Rushing Things
We are all guilty of this. Stop rushing the now for something that is not promised tomorrow. Cherish every moment you have with where you are now with every person, every place, every opportunity, every chance, etc. Stop wishing away. Don’t wish your high school years away. Don’t rush getting your college degree. Don’t wish your babies were grown. Stop rushing your relationships. Stop wishing for the weekends. Stop rushing time.
To everything there is a season and everything on earth will happen at the right time, Ecclesiastes 3:1.
Instead, be thankful for another day and know that today is equipped with everything you will ever need for today.