Becoming a college freshman can be nerve-racking. You leave the comfort of your queen-sized mattress for a twin, and if you’re anything like me, you leave your family and friends 2,500 miles away. College can be scary whether you’re five minutes or five hours from home, but luckily, you chose to attend Campbell University. It’s your typical small, southern, Baptist school where God, country, and football season are constantly on everyone’s mind. Thankfully the faculty at Campbell knows what’s important for incoming freshmen and transfers, and they always put together a fun first week at CU. So here are seven things you definitely need to do your first week at CU.
1. The street fair
Nothing says college like free stuff. The first Tuesday back, CU gathers local businesses, churches, and student-run clubs/organizations. This gives you the opportunity to get involved with clubs on campuses, introduces you to local churches, and gives you an idea of what kind of stores are around. A good majority of the booths give out free things to lure you in, there are camels roaming around, and photo booths to capture every moment.
2. The Medallion ceremony
While graduation is four years away, Campbell has complete faith that you will graduate. So, the first Sunday back, they gather all the incoming freshmen for a Medallion Ceremony, where they hand out the Medallions you are to wear on the day of graduation. The attire is semi-formal and parents are welcome to sit in the stands.
3. The Camel Run
Nothing like 3.5 miles to wake you up in the morning. I’m sure you spent the whole summer working out and getting in shape for college so 3.5 miles will be a breeze right? Or maybe that breeze is President Creed running past you? (CU’s President, Dr. Creed, is an avid runner; you will not only see him running the 5K, but you will also see him running around campus on a normal day). You can walk, jog, sprint, or crawl this loop. It’s a great place to meet new people and get a head start on losing that freshman 15…
4. Mud volleyball
Yeah, that’s right — CU hosts a mud volleyball tournament. So get your five closest friends and start practicing your volleyball skills. Don’t want to play? Don't worry! There are pizza and snowballs to keep you occupied while you watch your fellow Camels dominate the court.
5. Socials

Socials to make you socialize. It’s not only fun, but it’s also important you make these new connections with your classmates. So put on some shorts and flip flops and go be the social butterfly that you are.
6. Welcome week
Nothing says welcome to Campbell like free food and entertainment. Welcome Week includes many different activities from ice cream, bingo, and live music with neon paint flying around. This is a great place to meet new people and get acclimated to the college life.
7. College Night
This isn’t hosted by Campbell, but it’s important you experience this. County Seat hosts college night every Thursday and it’s at its craziest the first week back, so make sure you get out there and get that college experience… (Remember to save some room for Jesus out on the dance floor since you do have classes the next morning).
Here are seven things you should definitely do your first week at Campbell. Besides the Medallion Ceremony, every class is welcomed to come out and have some fun. C U in less than a month fellow Camels!