Sometimes our day doesn't always go the way that we planned, and we end up crabby or in a weird mood. First of all, that's totally okay. We're allowed to mess up or feel upset every now and then! Second, just don't let whatever it is that's brought you down, keep you down. You deserve to be happy. So, when those days come where you get down and need a little pick me up, here are some things that you can do to turn your day around.
1. Watch your favorite movie
This is something that definitely helps me feel better after a long day, especially when my friends join me and we end up laughing and talking more than actually watching the movie.
2. Make time for the things you enjoy
Life gets busy, but you can always find time to do the things you enjoy. Whether it's something you're really good at or something that you just started doing, make time for it.
3. Spoil yourself
That's right, you go eat that donut or drink that coffee. You deserve it. Go to Walmart and buy some fuzzy socks or go get some ice cream. Don't be afraid to indulge and treat yourself every now and then.
4. Snuggle up with a blanket and a good book
This is always my go-to whenever I'm feeling down. Books have a way of distracting you or taking you to a whole other world, and the warm and comfy blanket will only add to that experience.
5. Call someone that you haven't talked to in a while
Sometimes calling an old friend or a family member is exactly what we need to cheer us up. Catching up with that person could cheer both of you up, so don't hesitate.
6. Get up and do something
The worst thing you could do for yourself when feeling down, is staying down and feeling sorry for yourself. Get up, and go do something. Head to the movies or go for a run, just do something to make yourself feel better.
7. Reach out to your friends/family
Don't be afraid to reach out to your friends. If they are your true friends, they'll be there for you in your time of need. Sometimes the best medicine is shared laughter with your best friend.