If you're like me, and some other college students, you're too broke to go to Mexico or go to Europe for spring break cause ya' know #brokecollegestudent and mom isn't going to pay for it. Anway, going home for spring break can be fun, I promise! If you're going home for it and have no idea what to do with your time at home, here are a few examples:
1. Watch Netflix 24/7:
I mean, think about it. When during the school year can you just watch Netflix for a whole week and not feel bad about it or have to pause a show because you have to go to class. Just imagine how many series you can get through! I say that's a amazing way to spend spring break.
2. Sleep:
One other thing you probably can't do during the semester is just sleep all day and not set an alarm. Now you can do that! Just imagine how great it's gonna be to sleep in your OWN bed and not a twin XL dorm room bed.
3. Play with your dog (or whatever pet you may have):
I cried going to college saying goodbye to my dog. We all fear that they will forget about us as we head off to school. But now you get to spend a whole week with them! I can't imagine having a week off and not going home to see my dog. Sometimes you just need your pup.
4. Eat:
Eat at all your favorite hometown restaurants! I mean more then likely the next time you'll be able to eat there is summer....so why not eat them as much as you can during spring break?! And forget #springbreakbod. I rather be full eating happy then working on that bod. So start making a list of everywhere you plan on eating.
5. Hangout with friends:
This is a no brainer. I don't know why you wouldn't want to do this.
6. Go visit all the hangout places from high school:
Just for old times sake and sweet, sweet mems. It'll be be worth it, I promise.
7. Go shopping:
Another bonus of going home for spring break is that your parents are paying for your stuff again. Tell your mom you need some mother/daughter bonding and go shopping!! Now you have all these cute new going out clothes.
There are a few ways to turn that frown upside down if you're mad about going home for spring break. Also, find fun events going on when you're home and go to them! Or visit a state park. You'll end up appreciating spring break. I promise.