Going to church is a choice we all make every Sunday. Sure, we stay up too late on Saturday and then wanna spend the night with our friends. We want to sleep in and not set an alarm, or we don’t wanna wear our khaki pants, but in the long run, if there’s one thing I can promise, it’s that you will never think to yourself, “Wow, I wish I didn’t go to church that one day.”
1. Feeling Better
I can honestly say that I have never attended church and felt worse about myself after the service. One of the main reasons people attend church is to feel better about themselves, and when you just don’t feel like going, you should consider the way you will feel if you don’t attend.
2. Self Worth
It’s important to feel like your presence is needed in the congregation and to know that God wants you there and that He wants you to hear what He is saying to you. Your church is your home, and your presence is essential.
3. Praying and Receiving
Going to church gives you the opportunity to not only pray for yourself, but pray for those around you. You are able to lift your thoughts higher than things you are capable of managing alone, and those around you are able to silently support your cause.
4. Desperation
When it seems like no one is willing to listen to how your day went or when things just seem too tough, it’s easy to be desperate for someone to listen to you. The good thing is that God is always listening, especially on a Sunday morning.
5. Socialization
Though the Lord is the obvious focus at church on a Sunday, it’s always so nice to see the people you can relate to on a spiritual level. Seeing the same people every weekend creates a level of comfort, and if you don’t go, people will realize that you aren't there. Your friends will miss you!
6. Agape
Agape is God’s greatest form of love. It is the unconditional love that he created for humankind, and it is present with Him always. Agape alone should motivate us to attend a church service. God loves us so much, and the only way we can receive the love he is open to giving us is by being present and willing to accept it.
7. Forgiveness
Whether it was the white lie you told your mom about a boy or stealing money from your job, forgiveness can be sought. God wants to ease your heart and to ease your mind from your conscious, and going to church can be just the right remedy to fix up your soul.
Although my intentions in writing this are to influence you to go to church on Sundays, know that God is not just in a room on one day of the week. Church is a good place to go to be reminded of God, His character, His love, and His acceptance, but His goodness is something to be experienced every day of the week, regardless of where you are or what you are doing.