When it comes to college, you can never be too particular about what you are looking for. There are thousands of colleges to look at, and there is one out there that is perfect for you! Here are seven things you should look for while you search for your new home:
1. Location
This may seem irrelevant, but it really is important. If you are a city person, going to a school in the middle of nowhere probably is not where you want to be, and vice versa. There are colleges in so many different areas of the country that you can find the best place for you.
2. Dorms
Well, this is where you are going to be sleeping. If you do not feel comfortable here, where will you feel comfortable on campus?
3. Social Life
Of course they are not going to tell you about this on the tour, which is why you need to find someone who goes to the school. If parties are what you are looking for, make sure you find a campus that has a huge social scene. And if you are more on the reserved side, there are plenty of options out there for you, too.
4. Athletics
Whether you are an athlete or a fan, sports can make or break the atmosphere at your school. Having that school spirit means a lot to some people, and there are plenty of schools on either side of the spectrum. PSA: The better the school's sports teams are, the more likely there will be tons of hyped fans waiting to cheer with you at the games.
5. Academics
Although sports and parties are a crucial part of college, the whole reason you are going is to learn. There are some schools out there that will be more dedicated to the fun part of college while there are others that are more focused on the academics. The best part is, there are even some schools where you can do both!
6. Food
No school is going to have the food you have at home, but you might be able to find one that is pretty close. Not only should you consider the on-campus options, but look at the off-campus ones, too. Trust me, there are going to be some days where you can't tell what they are trying to serve you.
7. Financial Aid
Unless you have a trust fund with millions of dollars in it, financial aid is a crucial part about where you might go to school. Don't let it be the only contributing factor, though. This is the next four years of your life; you don't want to be at a school you hate just because they gave you a lot of money.
If you consider these seven points when finding your dream school, the list of schools will dwindle down really fast. Then, you will be on your way to finding your future home!