Every girl that grows up with older brother(s) understand what it's like to have a brother in the household on daily bases. Even though her brother(s) may have or are still are giving her a hard time, it is simply because of the duties and standards that an older brother upholds. Here are seven things for only girls that grew up with older brothers will understand
1. When you bring a boy home, you better make sure he is a good one.
2. You now have a new body guard
It doesn’t matter how old you are or your maturity level, your older brothers will still be the first to judge when you bring a boy home. This isn’t always bad, but it might scare them off. Your older brothers will be one of the first ones to run any boy off that he doesn’t like. Therefore, if you’re bringing a boy home, make sure he is one that will get your brothers approval.
Going out in any public place means that your older brother will be your protector. He will make sure that no one messes with his “little sister” and anyone who tries to, he will be the first to say something or take action.
3. His girlfriend becomes your friend.
4. You learn how boys' minds operate.
This isn’t 100 percent true but for the most part it is, you’ll never fully understand how a male’s mind operates but… Mainly, if you have older brothers, you will over hear your brother talking about the girl walking down isle two in the grocery store or see him “checking her out.” Now you quickly learn how boy’s minds operate due to your older brother. Which is an advantage to you because now you know what boys are thinking when they stare at you. You also become better at catching other boys “checking you out” which makes it real awkward for them.
5. You are tougher than most girls.
If you have an older brother, you are probably tougher than most females. Growing up with an older brother means getting put into a head lock or getting pelted anything from a tennis ball to an air-soft gun. Typically, you will tend to be tougher than the girl without brothers.
6. You will attend their sporting events.
If you have an older brother, you will generally always find yourself at their sporting events whether you like it or not. Your parents will make you go to their games, but hey that’s just an extra fan in the crowd for them.. Your brother can thank you later but for now, you're welcome.
7. They will be one of your biggest supporters.
No matter what they did to you when you were younger or how bad they picked on you, they love you and will always be there for you. You will always be their little sister and anything you need they have your back. At the end of the day they know that you love them as much as they love you and no matter what happens, they will be your biggest supporters and cheer you on in anything you do.