Everyone who says that High School will be the best time of your life, is lying. If High School is or was the best time of your life, you're lame. The best days of your life should be your wedding day or the birth of your children, not the days you spent in High School. There is so much more after High School. The things you think that matter in High School are going to mean nothing later.
1. The Rumors
In High School everyone spreads rumors like wildfire. You've probably tried to stop them, correct them and lost sleep over them. Well don't because in a few years from now - THEY WON'T MATTER. Nobody will remember them. The people that start them just want to get a reaction out of you. So just ignore it.
2. Your "Clique"
Sure you have a "clique" at the start of High School, It's made up with a group of friends that usually talk about each other behind each others back. By the time you graduate High School the "clique" you had will be broken up and you'll only have a couple friends. If you lose friends, yeah it might hurt at the time, but honestly if they were meant to be your friend wouldn't they still be there? You gain some and you lose some.
3. Having The Best Outfit
Some people think having the best outfit is everything, but it's really not. If you want to dress up every day do it. If you want to wear sweat pants everyday do it. Who cares, honestly you don't have to wear brand name clothes. It doesn't matter. By the time we all get to college most of us will be going to Walmart to buy a cheap t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. Nobody will remember you by what you wore.
4. What You Look Like
In High School we are all going through puberty. We are going to have a pimple here and there. It's a part of going through puberty. Some days we are to lazy to do anything to our hair, sure people might stare at you for having wild hair. You just have to embrace it. Us girls don't always feel like doing our makeup, boys just don't understand how much effort it takes. If you don't want to wear makeup then don't. You don't have anyone to impress.
5. The People Who Don't Like You
Honest to God, if someone doesn't like you, who cares. It does not matter. Just move on with your life, it's their problem not yours. Don't trip about it. Simple as that. You're always going to have people that won't like you even after High School. It's because they are jealous of you.
6. What You Drive
A car is a car. As long as it gets you around that's all that matters. When you go to college you will be walking around campus anyways so it won't matter who has their license and who doesn't.
7. How "Popular" You Were
Whatever it is that people think of you in High School, will not matter after you graduate. You can be the most popular person in High School and then go off to college and when your name gets brought up everyone will say "who's that?" When you go off to college, It's going to be different. Your not always going to be popular. You just have to except it.