Long distance sucks, there is no doubt about that. Whether it's 300 miles or 3,000 miles away, if you are with the right person there is always a way to make it work. So as much bitter as it is there is also some sweet hidden underneath.
1.You develop a deeper appreciation for your partner.
When you don't see someone every day or very often it definitely makes you appreciate them more. We often take the things that are in our every day life for granted. Long distance puts things into perspective, it's not about the dinner dates or the flowers- it's definitely more about spending time with the one you love. Long distance helps you to see what is truly important.
2. Your communication skills improve drastically.
When you both lead busy lives pretty far away you really don't have time for small talk or beating around the bush. You usualy are direct and striaight to the point. This is good overall communication but can be a tad touchy with when it comes to blunt insensitive comments.
3. You sometimes fight less... or more- I guess it really depends
The stress of being away from each other can sometimes lead to more fights, but the fact that you aren't spending absurd amounts of time together can also decrease the amount of fights. In my eyes it's a happy medium.
4. Skype dates are a common thing.
From talking about your day to doing homework together, you have done it all. Sharing dinner together through the screen is nothing compared to actually being at the same table but at least it is something. #ThankGodForTechnology
5. You go through stages of missing them.
It usually looks something like this,
Weeks 1 & 2- "I got this, we got this, this is fine".
Week 3- "Why. Why. Why. This sucks".
Week 4 through 6- "This is the worst thing ever". *Weeps softly*
6. You have a countdown going of when you'll see them next at all times.
Whether it is 4 weeks or 4 months... that countdown will be going. There is something very satisfying about watching that number tick down.
7. When you do finally see each other...
It is basically the best feeling that you have ever had. After all that waiting, the mental breakdowns, the late night skype calls, the stupid fights, and the complete emptiness that your heart felt you get to see your person. It usually doesn't look like the movies where you leap into the person's arms at the airport- but if it does more props to you. Ultimately this is the moment that makes it all worth it.