Online best friends are the best, you meet them over a common interest you both share on any number of social media websites. Whether you meet on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, or Youtube you know your friendship is a special one. Here are some of the the things that happen when you have an online Best Friend.
1) You have to schedule when you talk to each other because time zones do exist.
You just wait and wait till that schedule time where you and your friend can chat it up for hours and hours even though it may be really late for one for one of you.
2) You always check all your social media to see if they're on.
You never know when you could be on so as soon as your on your phone you are waiting for them to get on so you can talk about your day.
3) You are scared to Skype for the first time.
You think are they going to actually be real, what will sound like, and what if they actually hate me?
4) Once it does happen you don't stop talking.
I have had 5 hour Skype calls with my online best friend and every moment of it is a great time.
5) You Skype/Facetime them a lot.
You always want to Skype/Facetime them because you don't get to see them in real life. So Skyping/ facetime is the next best thing.
6) You insistently create a bond.
When you meet based on one interest you have it hard not have a bond, you end talking about one thing and that goes off to other topics and soon you are talking most random stuff.
7) Inside Jokes
Whether it's about the fandom or it's just inside jokes you have with each other you can count on them being funny and your online best friend remind you of them.
I love my online best friend so much and i am so glad that i got to meet her and that i have her in my life. So here to all the online best friends in this world, to more Skypes and Facetimes, with fandoms keeping us together.