Hey Communication (COMM) majors get a bad wrap A LOT; it is an easy major, all you do is communicate (I'm sorry, but this one just tickles me every time I hear it... all you do is communicate... wow.) Yes, there are some easy things about this major, but the hard things make up for it.... when it rains it pours right?! Just imagine sitting down to plan your school week only to realize that you have two presentations, 2 exams, 3 chapters to read, two study guides to get ready for next week's exams, and you need to meet with your group to complete a project. Granted, that is not what all of our weeks as COMM majors look like; usually that craziness doesn't start until the 3rd week!
Here are 7 things that every COMM major can relate to:
1. The response you get when you tell people you're a COMM major: "You're a COMM major... what is that anyway?"
O.K. let's get this over with really quick.... there are SO many areas of concentration that COMM majors can go into SO. MANY. Public Relations, Organizational, Broadcasting (T.V. and radio), Journalism, Marketing/Advertising. Without communication majors you wouldn't be able to watch the news, listen to your favorite morning radio show, read the newspaper... or magazines for that matter, and advertisement would be non- existent (say goodbye to the adorable Chick-Fil-A cows).
2. Getting your syllabus and finding out that your class is based solely on presentations.
Seriously, I've only have 2 professors that truly give me tests... the rest have based your grade off of what you can actually do. That's right, they put you to the test. It isn't just memorizing a lot of facts for an exam....
3.Student introductions:
Ok, I get the first day of freshman year, but going in to your first week of senior year and the Professors are still asking you to introduce your self and give 3 fun facts.... Heck, you could probably give three fun facts about everyone in that room. By
4. APA Style:
must I go on.... every COMM major cringes when they here those three letters... first trying to learn all of the rules, then applying ALL of them. I think I speak in APA now.
5. Group projects:
I'm not sure if professors just like to see the look of "joy", and by "joy" I mean.... anything but joy, on the faces of their students or what? If you're a COMM major, then you are going to know the ends and outs of getting work done effectively with people that you may not even know (or like) by the time you graduate.
6. Public speaking:
Yes, I know thatCommunication majors are supposed to be able to give a speech at the drop of a hat, but believe it or not, the majority of COMM majors have to overcome the anxiety and fear of talking in front of a group of people too.
7. The sense of family that you have with your fellow COMM majors:
By the end of our college career we have laughed, cried, and everything in between, with each other. We have helped one other with homework, vented to each other, and most importantly we have suffered sleep deprivation together. Trust me, after that... you're a family.
All jokes aside, Communication is a wonderful field to get into with so many different career paths to take. What a lot of people don't realize is that it is a practical, hands on major. Yes, I joked about the presentations and group work... but that is what the real world work force looks like. I am so lucky, because by the time I graduate, I am going to be so prepared for the real world. To ALL of my Communication Professors, thank you so much for pushing me out of my comfort zone and showing me what I am truly capable of! To all of my fellow Communication majors, you rock and we will graduate!