I feel like everyone can agree that one of the worst things about summer is sweating. It's something everyone does, but some do tend to sweat more than others. Yeah, like me. I'm a sweaty person. That's one of the reasons why winter is my favorite season, but I can't even avoid sweating during the coldest months of the year because someone will inevitably crank the heat up in a classroom or in their room and I won't be able to escape. But this is a pretty common struggle, so here are LKGJAOI things that all sweaty people know:
1. Layers are essential.
Layers are your best friend, especially during the season changes. The amount of clothing you can wear without sweating varies greatly depending on the time of day and the room you're in, so it's important to have layers that you can take off in order to sweat less.
2. You have to plan more.
I know that I tend to leave earlier for classes than I probably need to because I want to give myself enough time to stop sweating before I have to start scribbling notes or translating Greek. One time I messed up and got to a class with only a minute to spare and my professor was confused as to why I was sweating so much. No worries, I always sweat that much.
3. Deodorant, Deodorant, Deodorant.
Forgetting to put on deodorant can be a death sentence. Don't forget this.
4. Body Spray.
Just a little dab will do ya, but a spritz of body spray can go a long way to helping you smell fresher longer. But don't use too much because that's just rude...
5. Odor Eaters.
Feet are weird extremities and they love sweating more than most of your body. Usually, the only thing that can save your shoes are Odor Eaters, these weird inserts that have saved my life a couple times.
6. Makeup problems.
I know that I've given up on most of my makeup simply because I don't want to deal with the inevitable smudges and slides that often happen when I get a little warm.
7. You know how to cool yourself off.
I know that for me, I have to run my wrists under cold water if I get really warm, but there are a couple tricks that all sweaty people know to cool themselves off.
Well, now you may know too much about me, but sweat isn't something most of us can hide and it's something we all do. It's how we deal with our sweat that defines us.