There are many things that go along with being an English major, one of those is the same question asked by every person you tell: what are you going to do with that? I understand that it is completely reasonable to doubt whether or not an English degree holds any sort of power in the job market, but there are so many better questions to ask an English major like myself. Here are a few suggestions for the next time you come across an English major.
1. "Who is your favorite author/what is your favorite book?"
English majors love to read (obviously), finding someone to discuss books and authors with is priceless. Ask us about books please.
2. "Can I read something you've written?"
English majors do their fair share of writing, and more often than not we have a piece or two that we're especially proud of. Ask us to see it, maybe then you'll see why we choose to do what we do.
3. "Do you like or dislike poetry?"
English majors fall into one of three categories: those who like poetry, those who dislike poetry, and those who don't really understand it at all. You can only know if you ask.
4. "Are you interested in writing, teaching, or neither?"
Never assume that a person is an English major just to be a teacher or a writer. Many are, but there are so many other career possibilities that come with an English degree; it never hurts to ask what career path we're planning on taking.
5. "Are you double majoring or minoring?"
Many English majors have a second major or a minor or two to set themselves apart and expand their talents to other areas of study. This too makes for an interesting conversation and leads to a whole new set of questions.
6. "What types of classes do you take?"
Forget basic intro to English classes, us English majors are offered a variety of different courses covering topics like poetry to specific literary genres and even authors. If you're a fan of reading at all, you'll enjoy hearing about these different classes.
7. "What inspired you to major in English?"
Every English major read, wrote, or saw something that made them realize English was the perfect choice for them. In my case, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green ignited a flame within me to become a writer someday.
Us English majors have become a rare breed. We are often judged and misunderstood, but we'll forgive you. Whenever you meet an English major again, woo them with these questions. You'll have an incredibly intelligent conversation that'll truly make you think and maybe you'll even get a few good book suggestions.