While summer is much anticipated, it can feel like a long stretch of time if you aren't kept busy with the right activities. It is easy to fall into a routine since, well, we have almost nothing to do now that school is out. So if you haven’t made a bucket list for the summer or a mental list of what you want accomplish then now is the time. In case you already have your bucket list, you can revisit it to see what to add to your list because I have got some great ideas you might enjoy.
1. Go on a road/camping trip
Schedule a road trip or a camping trip with friends! While it might seem like a lot of work, it is necessary to get out of the same environment and visit new places. Don't forget a road trip playlist though, as it is required for the optimum experience.
2. Learn another language
Learn another language: French, Spanish, German or whatever feels right. Learning another language is a great opportunity to know gain cultural knowledge of other countries. It is definitely something that looks great on your resume and will also get you out of your comfort zone. You will definitely impress your friends if you come back from summer with a new language on your tongue, mais oui j'approuve.
3. Go to a concert, or two
Going to a concert is a way to relax at the end of the day. Go see the artist whose concert you've been dying to attend and bring out your inner crazy side.
4. Channel your inner artist
If you have a talent or hobby you can't practice at school or don't feel like taking on as a career, now is you chance. Paint, refine your drawing skills or practice the piano. You'll thank yourself later.
5. Relax on the beach
If you live in the Midwest, well I'm extremely sorry. But I am sure you can find a nice water park to relax at or get your tan on. But all you West and East coasters, go to the beach, relax in the sand and enjoy the water. #noworries #summer
6. Go see new movies
This summer will definitely be filled with new movie releases. whether it is romance, action, horror, or comedy; you are set for this summer in terms of cinema. I encourage you to go see those movies and have a laugh or a scare. It's definitely worth adding to the summer bucket list.
7. Catch up with friends you haven’t seen in a while.
Having been away at college, you have certainly not seen a lot of your high school friends. Visit them this summer catch up. There is nothing better than catching up with old friends.
Have a great summer!