If you're like me, you are constantly overwhelmed with stress throughout the day. Whether you've got a 25 page research paper to do, you're having money problems, or you're up to your eyeballs in paperwork at your job, there are some stressors that you just cannot avoid, no matter how much you wish otherwise. We've all been there, but the most important thing to realize is that as overwhelming as life can be sometimes, you will always get through it and there is always a silver lining at the end of the day. So, the next time you feel like the weight of the world is crashing down on your shoulders, here are a few tips to help get you through it:
1. Take A Deep Breath
As cliché as this sounds, believe me when I tell you that it works. There have been so many days where I have been stressed beyond belief with work, class, or family drama that I wanted to scream, I have to say that taking a minute to either breathe or just to collect my thoughts has always been a big help.
2. Don't Procrastinate
Mark my words: procrastination is deadly, especially when you get older. Whether you have a 10 page paper to do, a business proposal that you have to present to your boss or you have to get cracking on those internship applications, waiting until the last minute to get anything done is a surefire way to stress yourself out. I know it can be hard with a busy schedule and all, but I can promise that if you can set some time aside to get these things done in advance, you'll see how much of a difference it makes!
3. Think Positive
You always have the option to think of any situation as the glass half full or half empty. One of the most important traits that you can have in the face of adversity is resilience, and to be resilient, you have to have a positive mindset. By doing this, you are already setting yourself up for success without even realizing it. I know things can get dicey sometimes, but always remember that the first step to doing anything is believing that you can!
4. Stop And Think
One thing that I've found extremely helpful when I am feeling overwhelmed is to take a break from the thing that is stressing me out and do something that will help clear my head. For you, this could be taking a drive, listening to music, going on a run or anything that you can think of to help get you centered. For me, this is the best way for me to think when I am in a stressful situation. It is also important to think about what is stressing you out and why. Be it procrastination, a toxic relationship or your surroundings, there is always something that causes us to become overwhelmed, and sometimes pinpointing the source can help us to figure out what to do next.
6. Put Your Best Foot Forward
This can be applied to any aspect of your life. No matter what it is that you are working toward, it always enhances your chances of success when you start off on the right note. Whether this is getting into a routine like eating a good breakfast or hitting the gym every morning, making sure that you are prepared for an exam or an interview, or something as simple as giving yourself a little pep talk in the morning, there is always a way that we can put our best self out there. This is something that has to come from within ourselves, and although it may not seem important, it can make all the difference in the world when you're feeling stressed.
7. Nothing Lasts Forever
This is definitely an expression that I constantly live by. In life, there will be ups and there will be downs. There are many things that are out of our realm of control, and some that are. However, it is important that we recognize that there needs to be a balance between our highs and our lows. So, when you're feeling like the world is coming down on your shoulders, please stop and remember that nothing lasts forever. If you're having a bad day, you can always make tomorrow better one. If you're feeling disappointed in yourself, you can always change the thing that you aren't happy about. Conversely, if you are having a great day, stay humbled and recognize that it is something that will not last forever, either. Whatever the case may be, the stress will not stay with you forever, I promise. So take a deep breath, and remember that tomorrow is another day to make your dreams come true, and you are more than capable of achieving anything - you just have to work hard enough for it.