Having written an article for the Odyssey every week since I've been in college, I'm starting to run out of ideas. I wanted to write about the struggle of finals week and the end of semester, but I decided to spice things up a bit. I asked my fellow college goers what they would rather be doing than studying for finals. This is what I got in response...
Hannah Hess said..."Playing in the snow or using pore strips."
Leah Williamson said..."Sleeping, petting my dog, eating, or going home."
Julianna Cox said..."Jumping off a cliff or watching Netflix." I encouraged the latter.
Bri Hornberger said..."Christmas Shopping."
Peyton Thompson said..."Shopping or watching Netlifx."
Emily Mader said.."Cuddling under a blanket watching a movie with my boyfriend."
Paige Peachey said..."Cuddling with my puppy (and then agreed with Emily that having her boyfriend there would be nice, too.)
Kendall Geib said..."Baking Christmas cookies."
Kadia Julian said..."Drinking eggnog and eating cookies."
Taylor Forbes said..."Going on a late night adventure to a diner and then go stargazing with the people I love the most."
Her answer was clearly the most well thought out.
Sam Duplissey said..."Catching up on all the sleep I have already lost studying for finals."
Kaelyn Buskey said..."Sleeping, watching 25 Days of Christmas (because we're too poor for Freeform), and spending time with my family."
Katherine Weaver said..."doing Christmas things."
Allison Meadow said..."anything besides studying."
Dan Wright said..."jamming out to Christmas music while baking cookies because these dang finals are keeping me from being festive!"
Olivia Best said..."laying on a beach."
Kathryn Hahn said..."Baking Christmas cookies with my grandma!"
Aaron Gray said..."Decorating my Christmas Tree at home while blaring Christmas music."
Katy Trice said..."Going to the farm and cutting down the tree with my family."
Meghan Gallagher said..."watching Christmas movies with my family."
Kylee Kidwell said..."Dancing to Christmas music and eating LOADS of cookies."
Breica Beck said..."HA I'm done with finals!"
Nicole Hege said.."Blair Christmas music around my house."
Lauren Vicinanza said..."Going home to NYC to see the tree at Rockefeller Center with my family."
Abby Caldara said..."Christmas caroling lmao."
Raeann Buskey said..."SHOPPING."
Allison Shaefer said..."Playing with puppies."
Julianne Leddy said..."Singing...even though I have to sing for all of my finals." #musicmajorprobs
Amanda Siegrist said..."I would much rather be in the Caribbean."
Erika Kester said..."I'd rather be punched in the face."
And last but not least.. Sam Welk said.."I'd rather be hunting."