If you have tattoos then you will be able to relate to this article. If you don't have tattoos, then take note. There are just some things that you shouldn't say to a person with tattoos, and here are some of those things.
1. " Did it hurt?"
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Well, it's a needle puncturing your skin a million times per movement, injecting ink. Of
2. "The Bible says not to get tattoos"
It also says not to eat meat, but are you a vegetarian?
3. "What do your parents think?"
Does it really matter? I am an adult, old enough to get a tattoo. They still love me, it did not change who I am as a person or their thoughts about me.
4. "You don't look like the tattoo type"
Okay, and what exactly does that look like?
5. "How do you find clothes to cover them up?"
You see, I don't. What would be the point in them if I wanted to hide them?
6. "You're going to regret that"
No, actually I won't.
7. "It's gonna look bad when you get old."
So will you, with your non-tatted self.