When you get to college your Freshman year, it's easy to overthink when it comes to packing. I know I probably packed my entire bedroom just in case I missed something that could be useful in the future.
After surviving the first year of college, I thought back and made a list of things that incoming Freshman need to put on their lists of stuff to bring because these things honestly saved my life last year!
1. A Suit
There were plenty of times where I was supposed to give a presentation for a class and part of my grade was over my appearance or I would present a group project and everyone was supposed to dress up to show how professional we were. Fortunately, I did pageants in high school, so I had a suit that I brought with me from home just in case and let me tell you, you don't have to be a business major to find yourself wearing a suit for a presentation. It comes in handy.
PRO TIP: When I was with my Freshman Year boyfriend, I remember that he needed suits for some of his performances (he was a music major), so we went and got him super nice suits at Goodwill for less than $20. So, if you're in need of a suit, go to Goodwill because they have a great selection for cheap.
2. A Tool Kit
No one thinks you'll need a tool kit when you move in but trust me, you do. I was given a tool kit at my open house by my best friend's family and I was skeptical as to how much I would end up using it in college...I used it a lot more than I expected. I mean you need things like screwdrivers to open TV remotes and a flashlight if the power goes out, and you will be the coolest kid on your floor when you have extra screws in your tool kit when no one else on your floor even thought to bring a tool kit. It comes in handy, I promise you.
NO ONE TOLD ME THAT PROFESSORS TYPICALLY DON'T CARRY STAPLERS WITH THEM AND TAPING YOUR PAPER TOGETHER IS EMBARRASSING (yes I have done that and you don't want to do it unless you want your professor to judge you like mine did) SO BUY A STAPLER AND SAVE YOURSELF THE EMBARRASSMENT. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
4. Rain Boots
Pretty much every campus floods and walking in giant, muddy puddles of rain is not fun while you're dragging yourself to your 8 a.m. class. Invest in a couple pairs of rain boots so you have dry ones ready in case it rains several days in a row and always remember to check the weather before leaving your dorm for class so you don't get caught in a storm on your way.
5. Coloring Books and Crayons
I find coloring relaxing, especially when college starts to stress me out, so I would keep some coloring books and crayons in my desk in case I needed a break. This was always the best way I could relax myself and I am so glad I did it.
6. A Good Pair of Bluetooth Headphones/Earbuds
Trust me, there's noting more annoying then when you're trying study and your roommate spends their time playing whatever show they're watching on full blast through their laptop...I found a good pair of Bluetooth earbuds on Amazon Prime for literally $12 and what makes having Bluetooth ones more worth it is because you can easily switch between listening on your phone to your laptop to any computer on campus.
7. Gift Cards
Ask your loved ones for gift cards to certain restaurants around campus or Starbucks cards before you go and make sure to pack plenty because there will be days when the dining hall food doesn't sound appetizing anymore...BUT YOU HAVE A $10 GIFT CARD ELSEWHERE, WOOHOO! Trust me, this will be one of the best things you'll have at your disposal.
College makes up some of the best years of your life. It will have its ups and downs, but nothing compares to the memories you'll make and the fun you'll have. Have fun this year, y'all!