7 Things of My '90s Childhood | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things of My '90s Childhood

Growing up in the mid-nineties was the best thing it could ever happen to me.

7 Things of My '90s Childhood
Gabriel Petry

The clock is ticking and we are not getting any younger. But what makes it more obvious? Well try to hang out with a kid born in the 00's, and you'll see how he or she has no clue of our references, and even more if they don't have a old sibling to at least say, "ohh, yes, my brother watched that." The sad thing is that the 90's generation isn't old, I mean the oldest has 27! But thanks to technology everything is changing so fast. I laugh when my mom says that my brother and I got everything easier... well 00's children can proof wrong to my mom's comment. One thing is true, life was really fun, and we will always feel nostalgic about these 7 things:

1. Microsoft's "help"

I was writing an essay the other day, and suddenly I remembered about those little "assistants" that Microsoft created, and they always came out of nowhere to interrupt with your homework. And the sad story is that they didn't help you with anything at all. Still they had a nerdy kind of humor, that made me feel accompanied while doing the basic presentations in Power Point.

2. VHS Movies

I remember having my collection of VHS Disney movies, and if there was a new one, then I went to Blockbuster to rent the movie I wanted. Although if you rented a movie, you had to make sure to rewind it after finishing watching it. I hated when I put the movie into the VCR and the credits where in the screen. Later we were witnesses of the transition VHS to DVD, DVD to Blu-ray, Blu-ray to Netflix.

3. Monografías (Monographs)

So I don't think there was such thing in US, but in Mexico there were sheets that you could find in any stationery shop (nothing big like Office Depot, there were little stores in the corner of a street), and these sheets had images in one side, and in the other side they had written information about each image. There were sheets of every topic, geography, history, natural sciences, etc. And at school the teacher asked you for homework to study the monograph of the Mexican Revolution or something like that. So usually what you had on your notebook was a summary of the monograph's information, and after writing it down you cut the image and pasted it next to your notes.

4. Cartoons

There's a whole list of great cartoons and TV Shows that were way better of what the children watch nowadays. But when I was a toddler I remember I watched Dragon Tales, Zoboomafoo, Magic School Bus, and Arthur. Also in Mexico we had channel eleven, and there were programs like, The Tales of the Street Broca or Mona the Vampire, and Beakman's World. Then shows like Alf, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, or Kenan and Kel... That was great TV.

5. Frogger

Just like the cartoons, are games were so cool. One of my favorites was Frogger. When I was in computer I tried to finish as quickly as possible so I could play Frogger. There was something so cool with helping the frog cross the street, specially because I was really careless with myself in the real life.

6. Real Movie Tickets

I didn't imagen that the little paperboard rectangles would ever disappear! When I think in the word "movie ticket" the first image that pops in my mind is that one. But now, every time I go to the movies I have to be careful, because the new tickets are like a receipt, and I my instinct is to toss it away. It actually happened to me the first time I went to the movies with the new "ticket" format, I accidentally threw it to the trash can.


Ohh man! There was no better sensation than telling your mom your school was going out to a trip, so she bought you a Kodak or any other disposable camera. And you took photos until you finish your camera roll. Later your mom took the roll to reveal the photos and boom! You discovered how a bad photographer you were, but at the same time you were so happy and you wanted to add the photos to your album.

Yes, 90's generation are so rad, we are young and old at the same time.

Here's a photo that made my day!

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