NARPS are Non-Athletic Regular People/Persons. As an athlete it drives you crazy when they think they have the hardest life. Don't get us wrong, some of you can be busy, but it's hard doing what we do and we are sick of being judged for it!
1. I am sooo busy
Oh really? You take 5 classes and that's it? Try taking 5 classes, workouts, practices and games.
2. Why are you so tired?
Well we get up at the crack of down and are halfway done with our day before you wake up...please shut up.
3. Why don't you ever dress up?
Have you ever tried putting jeans on after leg day?
4. "You're so lucky you get to skip class without consequences!"
Oh there's consequences, like missing the most important chapter in your hardest class because you had a game.
5. "Can't you study on the bus?"
No. Just no.
6. "You like never drink"
We do have a dry season...
7. "You're wearing the same thing you did yesterday"
Yes, it's called a practice uniform..we wear it to practice...where I just came from.
Whether you're an athlete or NARP, in the end we are all friends going through this crazy ride we call life.