7 Things my Pinterest Addiction Taught Me | The Odyssey Online
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7 Things my Pinterest Addiction Taught Me

I live in a perfect world according to my Pinterest boards.

7 Things my Pinterest Addiction Taught Me

I know I speak for a lot of us when I say that I am completely addicted to Pinterest. I mean I have my entire life planned out on there. Most people use their phone to scroll on Twitter, while I use my phone to see how many ridiculously hard makeup ideas I can pin. I know you probably think this is a bad thing, but I have learned of valuable information from my obsession with Pinterest.

1. My Wedding Expectations Are Ridiculously High

I have it all planned out. from the ring I want to be proposed with, to the color I want the tablecloths to be at the reception. At least I know now everything I am going to need to save for, but that the rate I'm going, I should have started saving when I was 14 if I want to afford all the extravagant pins I dug up.

2. My Version of "DIY" is Not Everyone Else's Version of "DIY"

When I imagine a “do it yourself” project, I imagine cute little homemade bookmarks or bath bombs or even a canvas painting. The rest of the population seems to think of creating an entire craft room or turning old crates into a gardening station. I now see my creativity of crafts is at an all-time low compared to everyone else.

3. With an Unlimited Budget I Could Cook Anything

On a college budget, my bank account has about $25.00 in it. My Food board on Pinterest is ready to cook a four course meal for a family of 5, but in reality I have to sit in the grocery store and figure out if I can afford another package of Ramen Noodles.

4. I Failed my College Dorm Expectations

My roommate and I my freshman year didn’t even match our bedding. But looking back on my “College Room” board on Pinterest I see that I set very high expectations for myself. I mean I really expected to create elaborate crafts and have my dorm look like it should be featured in a magazine. Needless to say I didn’t meet those expectations.

5. I Have Enough Weight Loss Pins to Become a Personal Trainer

Do you think I look as fit as that girl? Absolutely not. But my Pinterest could make you believe I was a world trainer for the Olympics. I have enough workout ideas and weight loss tips to last me a lifetime, but every time I get to the gym I forget everything I pinned and I end up doing the same basic workout. I do regular squats on a squat rack instead of the elaborate squats that are supposed to get me into the best shape of my life. Maybe that’s my problem…

6. There is a Quote for EVERYTHING

I have seen some ridiculous quotes throughout my 20 years of living. But when I tell you Pinterest has a quote for everything, I mean literally EVERYTHING. Need a quote about your love life? They have one. Need a quote to reassure you that unicorns exist? That’s there too. The possibilities are endless on this one.

7. I Do Not Try New Things

I am a pretty boring person. I have had the same interests since I was a child, and I don’t try new things. Not even in the imaginary world of Pinterest. You would think I have at least explored all of the topics they allow you to browse through, but I couldn’t tell you what is in the “Products” or “Architecture” groups, and I really don’t want to try to look at them. I’ll continue to focus on my “Health and Fitness” and “Weddings” groups because one day they’ll come in handy for me.

If you are addicted to Pinterest like I am, welcome to the club and I am positive you can relate to this. And if you are not addicted to Pinterest, maybe you should try something new and give it a try. But I warn you, once you experience the feeling of pinning your first pin on a board, I can guarantee you won’t turn back. Say goodbye to your life now because you have everything you need on your Pinterest. Who need’s reality anyway?

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