If you don’t watch it (even though you really should) I am quite positive you have heard of the show “Grey’s Anatomy.” This drama series follows a handful of doctors through impossible surgeries, rotating relationships and life’s hardest lessons. Each episode begins and ends with a memorable quote, usually said by main character, Meredith Grey. These quotes are meant to make you ponder for the rest of the episode. However, much of the time I find myself pondering them for much longer. I became a devoted “Grey’s Anatomy” watcher while enduring a very unwelcoming break up. I guess you can say my rebound guys were McDreamy and McSteamy (I mean, I could've done worse). But the most help was the advice I heard from Dr. Meredith Grey. Here’s a list of quotes that helped me during my horrible heartbreak:
1. “The future is the home of our deepest fears and our wildest hopes. But one thing is certain; when it finally reveals itself the future is never the way we imagined it." Season 5, episode 23
Everyone does it. We worry about if we are going to be single forever or if we are even going in the right direction to find love. However, this is one of the worst things to do. A lot of the time, we don’t even know what we are having for lunch so stressing about something that is clearly not in our control is pointless. Do you think Meredith knew she was going to end up with Derek after a one night stand from a bar? Probably not. So don’t stress! Your McDreamy is on his way.
2. “The human body is designed to compensate for loss. It adapts, so it no longer needs the thing it can't have.” Season 8, episode 5
Remember that one heartbreak that left you feeling like you were missing a part of yourself? Well hang in there because there is hope! That feeling is only temporary. Soon you’ll be able to say you feel complete all by yourself, which is a major accomplishment in today’s society.3. “A little self-awareness never hurt anyone. Because when you know who you are, it's easier to know what you're about, what you really need.” Season 9, episode 4This should be the mantra for any girl who feels like she needs a man in her life. You. Don’t. Ladies, learn to love yourself before you trust someone else to try. If you don’t know what you want, you can’t expect someone else to give you the things you need.4. “At some point, you just have to let go. Move on. Because no matter how painful it is, it's the only way we grow.” Season 8, episode 20
5. “Sometimes, it takes a huge loss to remind you of what you care about the most. Sometimes, you find yourself becoming stronger as a result, wiser, better equipped to deal with the next big disaster that comes along.” Season 8, episode 8
This one is one of my favorites, and also goes hand in hand with number 4. Again, take the loss as a lesson and learn from it. What doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger. Now you have a better idea of what you want to work to keep in your life, so focus on that. Your Burke may have been a loss, but now you are ready to accept your Owen.
6. "Time waits for no man. Time heals all wounds. All any of us can wants, is more time. Time to stand up. Time to grow up. Time to let go." Season 3, episode 1
Time. It is a blessing and a curse. We ask for time to move slower when doing something we love and for time to move quicker when going through something painful. Although time might move pretty slow when going through something like a break up, one day you’ll realize how much time has passed. And also how much better you feel.
7.“What’s broken can be mended, what’s hurt can be healed, but no matter how dark it gets, the sun’s gonna rise again.” Season 11, episode 24
Positive vibes all the way. You might be down in the dumps right now, eating a tub of ice cream for dinner for the third night this week, but there is light at the end of the tunnel! Like any wound, a broken heart eventually heals. Keep your head up.