I, like most people, hated high school. From the first day of my freshman year I knew I wanted to get out as soon as possible. I decided to double up on classes and graduate a year early. Taking a gap semester to "find myself," I embarked on a month and a half long solo journey through Europe. I had no set plans or goals, I was just going to go. It has been by far one of the best and most valuable experiences of my life. Here are 7 things I learned while abroad.
1. Independence, Independence, Independence
I had always been an independent person while growing up, but it wasn't until I had to live alone in another continent that I truly learned what independence was all about. It wasn't just that I was able to find hostels or book plane tickets by myself. I had to learn to be by myself and be entertained. I had to learn how to figure out who I was and what I liked without the noise and influence of others constantly bombarding me.
2. Just Ask
Most people are nice. I know that is kind of a blind statement but it is true. The world is filled mostly with good, hard working, kind hearted people. Once you travel you start to see that in the world, and when you are lost, just ask for directions - most locals are excited to help tourists.
3. You Will Be Judged for Being American
Not a huge surprise here but I definitely did not think the rest of the world truly thought we were fast-food-eating no-moral-having junkies. It was a surprise for me to hear these stereotypes and a surprise for those I met to see that I matched none of them.
4. I Look German?
Maybe it was the fact I am a blonde haired, blue eyed girl with dreadlocks carrying a huge backpack on my shoulders but I always got greeted with a "guten Tag". Which in turn was met by my confused looking face and a very passive, "I'm sorry I don't speak German."
5. Souvenirs are Stupid
When you are carrying everything you need for a long trip on your back, you will learn real quick that those cute shot glasses or that t-shirt you saw in the store are not worth the extra weight.
6. You Don't Need Much in Life
It's true. You do not need that much to survive and be happy in life. I lacked nothing during my trip. A few nice clothes, good people, and enough money for food is all you really need. After my trip I did a full clearing of the clutter in my life and I have to say minimalism is not just an aesthetic choice, it is necessary.
7. The World is a Big Place
Yes, obviously I've always known the geographical scale of our Earth, but this trip taught me so much about my global citizenship in the world. It is so easy to adventure anywhere in the world and start all over again. I don't know, something about that just gives me comfort.