1. Having an open line of communication is important.
You can't expect someone to know what you are thinking all the time. It's important to communicate with the person you are living with about what is going on. If something they do makes you unhappy, you cannot expect them to automatically know that. You have to talk to them about it so that you can work out what is going on.
2. It's okay to fight sometimes.
People get in arguments, no one is perfect. If you never fight, then something is not right. My roommate and I got in arguments, and we are really close friends. Actually, she is one of my best friends at school. I think that part of why we are as close as we are is because we did get in arguments. We fought and worked out what was bothering us. If you don't fight, problems don't come to the surface and you spend time resenting that person for things that they may not even be aware that they are doing.
3. Make rules.
Without rules, you can't expect your roommate(s) to know what your expectations are. You have to create boundaries. Whether it's about keeping the room clean, locking the door, or asking your roommate to leave for reasons, you have to make rules so that there is an understanding between the two of you.
4. Stick together.
Even if you are from the area, sometimes it's nice to have someone to walk around with, go to the dining hall with, or even just talk about classes with. Stick with your roommate so that you have someone who you can walk around with from place to place or eat dinner with.
5. Just because you're not from the same background doesn't mean that you can't get along.
Being from different backgrounds, you can really learn things from the person you live with. For example, my roommate is a very peace oriented, loving person. I, myself, am a little more used to picking a fight and arguing. When we first moved in together, even though we are exact opposites, she taught me things about myself that I try to improve every day and I know that I try to teach her things about herself when I can.
6. Everyone should do their fair share of work.
Whether it's taking the trash out, doing the dishes, or keeping things clean, everyone has to do their fair share. No one person should be doing all of the work.
7. You could end up being best friends with your roommate.
Don't judge too quickly or expect to immediately be best friends with your roommate. It takes time to get close to someone. My roommate and I took some time to get close, and now she is one of my best friends at UD. While this doesn't always happen, don't knock it until you find out!