The rush of all different emotions that I felt: happy, anxious, a little nervous, but mostly excited. Little did I know all that my first semester would really teach me.
1. It's okay to miss home.
Missing home is completely normal and everyone gets the feeling from time to time. How could you not miss your big bed, knowing how everything in your hometown goes, and of course home cooked meals. The comfort of your home is a hard place to leave but once you are settled in at college it will start to feel like home too.
2. You don't have to be best friends with your roommate.
Just because the typical college movie always says you and your roommate must be best friends does not mean it's true. All you need is a roommate you can feel comfortable around. It's okay to not have a strong connection with your roommate right away or even at all.
3. Everyone adapts to college differently.
College is a big adjustment. It is new to everyone so everyone will react differently. Some people will miss home and not absolutely love college the first few weeks and others will never want to college to end. It's okay to feel both emotions because once you find your spot, you'll love your college home too.
4. College is not high school.
No one cares what you wore to class or if it was "in style". No one is going to sit and watch your every move. There are no "clicks". You can be friends with multiple friend groups and it not be a problem. If you are not happy with a friend group, you can remove yourself without a problem. College is a much more excepting place where everyone can find their home.
5. You will meet your absolute best friends at college.
Yes, you had best friends through high school and you all shared many memories together that you'll never forget. But the people you meet in college will become your closest friends within weeks. You will share things you've never shared with others before and laugh until your stomach hurts. You will look back shocked and wonder how you got so close to a group of people within a few months but it happened and you wouldn't change it for the world.
6. Don't hold back and try something new.
College is the time where you can try all different things. Any kind of interest you have there will be a club or organization for it. This is a time where you can really get to see what interests you and how you want to spend your spare time at school.
7. Use your spare time wisely.
For most people who played a sport or were involved in something in high school you will have a lot of spare time that you did not have before. Use this time wisely, join clubs or intermural sports because you will soon realize there is a lot of spare time that comes with college.