I have of course been going to class and learning many things regarding my Advertising and Public Relations major along with gen-ed courses. However, I do not want to bore you all with advertising techniques and Erikson’s eight stages of development. I have had multiple college experiences so far that I’m sure most can relate with.
1. Getting sick is not an option.
It probably does not matter how many times you wash your hands, getting sick is your destiny in college. Everyone basically just has to get friendly with each other’s germs and share their pain. Usually it is just a nasty cold or cough, and if you are lucky you might get a sore throat too. Around the third week in, my three roommates and I were all suffering together.
2. New friends are literally everywhere.
Whether I am walking to class, sitting in Ad Club, or standing in line for coffee, there is always someone friendly to meet. It is not weird to start a conversation with a random stranger! A lot of the college friends I have made have been coincidental. Some people I thought I would be friends with ended up not working out, which is okay because God filled their place with new people in my life.
3. I actually have to STUDY for tests.
College is not high school. There is no more getting a 98% after just reading over the notes once. Now it is all about having one test over five chapters in my Developmental Psychology book! Well, at least they are multiple choice. Also, if you actually want to get things done you have to get out of the dorm room and go to a study room or the library.
4. Parties are not all what they are cracked up to be.
College parties can of course be a good time, but they are not worth spending every night at. If you are going to go, do not bother to even wear makeup or do your hair because it will just get ruined after five minutes. So if you do, be sure to take your pictures beforehand. Just know that sometimes it is perfectly okay to watch Netflix on a Friday night instead of going out with your friends.
5. My mom is my best friend.
No matter what the situation is, she is always just a phone call away. I find myself wanting to talk to her whether I am having a good day or bad. Her advice is definitely something I took for granted in high school, so I am learning to make the most of each conversation I have with her. I am realizing that even thought I am shaping into an adult, I will always need my mom and her guidance.
6. Group projects should not be a thing.
Nothing has changed on this topic since high school. One of my classes has most assignments with a group. It is extremely hard to meet with my group, considering half of them will not even respond in the group chat. So it ends up being two people doing every single assignment. Do not expect to get class time for these projects either because that will not happen so plan accordingly.
7. There is no shame in going home.
For some reason people think it isn’t okay to go home and see your family for the weekend. There is nothing wrong with missing the people you have been used to living with for last 18 years. I love to go home, and it is something I look forward to during the week. The short hour and a half drive is worth it to spend valuable time with the people I love; for me especially because I get to see my boyfriend and puppy!