Earlier this year, I started living in an off-campus house with six of my friends. While we were aware that this experience would differ from our previous living situations in dorms, we were excited for something new and exciting. Now, with almost a year under our belts, we have become adjusted to both the joys and challenges of living together despite our differing schedules and personalities. I talked with my roommates, and we’ve compiled a list of the seven most valuable lessons that we’ve taken away from the past year.
1. You have seven closets.
It’s Saint Patrick’s Day and at 5pm you realize that you don’t own a green shirt. Or, it’s Thursday, your Uber just arrived, and suddenly you hate your outfit. With seven roommates, this is never a problem. The response, “thanks, this is actually my roommate’s!” has become all too common.
2. You’re never alone.
Alone time can often be hard to find. In this house, we’ve come to realize that a closed door really holds the significance of… an open door. This can often be overwhelming, but most of the time it just makes it more fun.
3. Our differences compliment each other.
There are some weekends where all seven of our plans are the same, and we do everything together. There are many times, however, where we all have different plans and may see one another only briefly. This isn’t a bad thing. Our different lives and schedules make for better stories on Sunday night.
4. A clutter-free home… doesn’t exist.
It’s probably a better idea to wear shoes downstairs. You should also check the “clean” dishes before using them. Also, don’t be alarmed if there’s a bowl of old, soggy, chicken-noodle-soup left on the dining room table for a few days. Life goes on. We’ve learned to ‘embrace the gross’ and call it our own.
5. Girl’s night is every night.
Whether it’s The Bachelor on Monday nights or the A-10 championship game, you never have to worry about watching it alone. You are guaranteed to find at least two other roommates willing to spend the night next to you on the couch, probably with a bottle of wine.
6. The driveway will never be big enough.
At our home, there is one driveway with enough space to fit four cars. We have to work together daily to figure out who can park in the driveway and who should park in the street. I compare the driveway to our actual home. We are seven women with seven different personalities. All of our cars may not fit in the driveway, and we may not always agree with each other, but we find the ways to make it work.
7. It takes a team to build a home.
While all of these things are significant, this one is perhaps the most important. We can do all the appropriate things, pay the bills, clean the dishes, and make our beds, to make this house into something livable, but it is the way that we work together and strengthen our friendships that make this house into a home.