Dear Mom and Dad,
I realized freshman year is coming to an end, and it's been a tough one for all of us. However, reflecting on this last school year, I realized even though you guys aren't down the hall from me anymore, you're still my rocks. I don't think I'll ever be able to thank you for everything you've done for me, but I can try to thank you for at least a few things you guys did this year that made freshman year a little more bearable.
1. Thank you for answering my late night phone calls.
I'm sorry I called you late at night when I was stressed or procrastinating. Thank you for always answering and reminding me I am human and everything is going to be OK when I felt like the world was crumbling around me. If you guys ever want to call me late at night just to check in or talk, I'm probably up, so don't hesitate.
2. Thank you for the care packages.
You guys already do more than enough for me, and just sending me little packages and letters accompanied with little surprises really makes my day and makes me miss you guys even more. I wish I wasn't a poor college student, so I could send you guys your own care packages full of my love and candy.
3. Thank you for coming to visit me.
I knew I'd miss you guys a lot when I came to college. However, I never realized how much I would miss hugging you guys, hanging out with you, seeing your smiling faces and eating home cooked meals. I always count down the days until you visit and can't wait to go on adventures with you guys and show you around my new, temporary home.
4. Thank you for supporting me through my confusion and uncertainty (and allowing me to come to school undecided).
I've had friends who have told me how lucky I am that my parents let me come to college undeclared. I never realized that was a big deal to some parents, so I just wanted to thank you guys for taking a chance on me and letting me try to figure out my life path as I go through college. It's nice going through this time in my life without extra stress.
5. Thank you for reminding me I need balance in my life.
Thank you for reminding me that even though I'm an adult who can make my own choices, I am, first and foremost, a college student. I'm at school to get a degree, not to party and camp out at sporting events and concerts. It's hard to put my priorities in the order they should be in when college is full of opportunities and freedom. However, despite all of the times you tell me I need to focus, you also remind me I am a college student, and I shouldn't spend my weekends studying my life away. I need to have fun, but in moderate amounts. You remind me it's OK to treat myself once in a while or to take a break and go enjoy the nice weather outside or hang out with friends.
6. Thank you for calling to check in on me.
I know sometimes when you call, I sound tired or make it seem rushed because I'm doing homework or with friends, but I just wanted to let you know I do appreciate you checking in on me. I understand that even though I'm hours away, I'm still your little girl, and I can never change that. This transition wasn't only hard for me, but also for you guys, so a phone call every once in a while is nice for both of us.
7. Thank you for always making time for me.
My breaks are scarce and very short, so thank you for taking time to hang out with me. I understand work is important (especially because college is expensive), but thank you for taking days off of work just to hang out with me. Whether we're actually going somewhere or just driving around and hanging out, every moment I get to spend with you guys when I'm not as school is special to me.
8. Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
I can't even begin to count the number of times you guys have said, "No matter what, we will still love you," when I'm stressed or crying about something stupid. I know that sounds like something I should know and understand, but hearing you say it and genuinely mean it, just makes it that much better.
Lots of love,
Your soon-to-be college sophomore (and basically college expert)