March first is coming up, and thus millions of people are contemplating what they can give up for the following forty days. I’m referring to all of the Catholics who will be doing this for the season of Lent, in honor of Jesus going 40 days without food or water in a desert. Normally, people try to give something up that will be a challenge and hopefully make them a better person. This is a very admirable thing to do, as 40 days is a long time. For instance, my dad gives up sweets every Lent, a feat which I cannot do for more than 12 hours. Some lazier Catholics (me) try and choose easier things to give up. I remember telling my dad I’d be giving things up like bananas, broccoli, asparagus, and a lot of other things I don’t like and don’t regularly eat/do. This makes it easy to “participate” in Lent, but is probably considered cheating. However, if you are into easy tasks, then here is a list of what every college student can easily give up during lent.
Okay, this first one may actually be difficult to do, as I’m sure there is at least one class you probably have to go to. However, with a little bit of determination, and asking classmates for what you missed, I believe any student can go a whole forty days without attending class. This will really open up your schedule which you can fill in some way that will make you a better person (lay in bed all day) to stay within the spirit of Lent.
Saving Money
Enjoy Lent. You can save money the other 325 days of the year.
Saying no to going out
If you chose to give up saving money, you might as well tack on saying no to going out because it will really help you stick to your commitment of saving money. This will surely help you elevate your social status which is something valued highly by God (Nonna, this is sarcasm). Plus, this could be spun in an altruistic manner because you will be helping other people have a good time they otherwise may not have had.
For all the lazy Catholics who also stick to meat, cheese, and carbs.
Going to bed early
It’s just so much more fun to stay up late. Plus, you can sleep when you’re dead.
Being dog-less
Dogs are great, so do yourself a favor and get one. Plus, you can do the good thing and adopt a dog from the shelter.
This too is a good one to go in tandem with saving money. Instead of slaving over your every meal, you can just quickly pick up [insert your favorite restaurant] for every single meal. This will also maximize your free time as you no longer have to spend 37 minutes making a meal that you’ll eat in 37 seconds and leaves you still feeling hungry.