It's about that time again where students are packing up and moving into their dorms. For some of us, it's become routine as we get ready to start another year of college. For others however, this might be their first time out on their own! The first year of college can be pretty exciting and full of new opportunities. Here are some tips first-year students should know:
1. You don't need this!
Trust and believe me when I say this! It is no longer high school, you don't need a million supplies. You don't have to have a notebook for every class and thousands of binders. Personally, I just purchase a five-subject notebook and some folders to keep important documents/handouts. It makes it less of a hassle looking for notes later. It should be noted that it's all personal preference. If having multiple notebooks keeps you organized, go for it. Just know that there is no supply list anymore.
2. Learn where things are.
You don’t want to end up looking like this on your first day of classes! Take some time between the day you move in and the day classes start to explore the campus. Speaking from a tour guide’s perspective, they don’t show you every room in every building. Grab a few friends, maybe your roommate, and learn where your classes are. Nothing is more embarrassing than walking into the wrong class.
3. Read the syllabus!
Sorry! I know you might have heard this already but it’s true. Many professors really do put all the information you need to know right there. Some professors may include important dates such as exams and due dates for assignments. Take note of every one you find that way you won’t be surprised when the dates start sneaking up on you. It will save you from the dreaded, “it’s on the syllabus” conversation.
4. Manage your time.
College can be an exciting time but it can also be a stressful time. You want to have fun and branch out but you’re still a student with responsibilities. I had a calendar over my desk and wrote down all the things I needed to do and at what time. It let’s me see clearly if I have any conflicts that need to be sorted out. Personally, a visual representation of my schedule keeps me calm and from feeling overwhelmed. You can do it a variety of ways, try some out and figure out which works best for you. You don’t want to be that student that missed a test because you thought it was on a Tuesday when it was really on Monday.
5. Don’t take on too much!
Oh look, that’s what I looked like all of last year. I took on way too much. I was in every show on campus. This means I was always in rehearsal, I was always in the dance room. Not to mention I took about 18 credits last semester and had a job. I was a busy but tired bee! I was so stressed out I would crash any second I got! I was tired all the time, groggy and overall not the most pleasant person to be around. I would be up all night doing homework and it was just awful. This goes right along with time management. Do not put a lot on your plate in one shot. You don’t have to be involved in anything right away. Your body will thank you for it.
6. Explore different majors!
It’s fine to not know what you want to study right when you step onto campus. You don’t have to declare right away. Take some time and explore different classes to see what interests you. Even if you come in saying “I want to study [insert major here]” and you’re sure about it, still take some classes outside of your major. You’ll never know what you might be into if you don’t branch out a little.
7. Remember to have fun!

College can be an exciting time but it depends on what you make of it. Yes, you’re going to be stressed but remember to cut loose a little bit. Go to some campus events, hang out in town with friends. Get out there and make the most of it.