Going to college is a massive transition in the life of a teenager, especially when they don’t know what to expect. Most students will all move in on the same day(s) leading up to classes, but for me, I have the opportunity to experience something new. I’m part of UNC’s Lead On program which is basically a camp for potential leaders to go to workshops and meet new people before their college journey begins. However, there’s a catch: you move in early. Due to the big changes in my life, here are 7 major feelings I’m having as I amp up for college to start:
1. Fear
This fear takes me all the way back to when I was a freshman in high school. That fear I had that made me wonder: what are my classes going to be like? What if I don’t make friends? What if I get shoved in a locker?? While I know realistically there will be no locker shoving in college, I still can’t help but be a little scared of what’s to come. College is a whole new level of experience--experience I haven’t known before. So it’s difficult not to be just a teeny bit worried of what’s to come.
2. Sadness
My heart aches a little knowing that I’m leaving home for the first time in my life. I’m leaving my parents and my pets to go and explore my future. Home won’t really feel like home anymore without my family--and that’s sad.
3. Curiosity
Of course, regardless of fear and sadness, I’m curious to explore my new path. Before deciding on UNC for college, I’d never been to Greeley before. I’m curious to explore and learn new things about the place I’ll be calling home for the next four years. I’m curious to know what life will be like living on campus and curious to know how I’ll fit into the Bear Family.
4. Confusion
Now, you might be thinking, what is there to be confused about in college? Well let me tell you: there’s a lot. I’m confused about how certain academic programs work, how the whole financial aid thing works (FASFA I’m looking at you), I’m confused about how Ross hall even functions. It’s like a maze! I’m confused about some of the clubs and how to try out for certain sports. But even with all my confusion, I have fingers crossed that I’ll figure it out.
5. Nervousness
Now fear and nervousness are similar, but this nervousness comes in on it’s own level. I’m nervous about meeting my other roommates in person. What if we don’t get along? What if they don’t like me? I’m nervous about living in the tallest building on campus (especially during LeadOn as a lot of student’s won’t be there). I’m nervous about living with upper classmen. And of course, I’m nervous about getting lost.
6. Stressed
Being stressed is something I happen to be good at, but surprisingly enough I’m only mildly stressed with this college transition. The main stressor in this entire situation is the packing and moving. It’s hard not to be stressed when you’re moving--you gotta make sure everything’s there. And that’s stressful.
7. Excitement
Of course, even amongst all my other feelings I am excited for college. Who wouldn’t be just a little excited? I’m proud to be starting the new chapter in my life with UNC and I’m excited to see what my first semester brings. I’m excited (yet still nervous) about living on my own and the whole scene that is college. There will be new clubs for me to try and sports. I’m even excited about one of my classes--how nice is that?
Even with my mix of feelings, I”m sure college will be wild (and fun) ride.