Everybody knows that famous line: April showers, bring May flowers.
Coincidentally, April showers also bring a lot of boredom. Rain isn't the greatest weather to go out and do things in, but its perfect weather to be a homebody. Here are some ideas for activities when you're stuck home in the rain.
1. Play some video games
Hop online and play your favorite video, or get further in your solo quest. You might as well put some work in while it's gross outside.
2. Read a book
Shout out to all the bookworms out there! Whether it's a book you read a thousand times, or a new one you can't wait to read, curling up with a good book is never a bad thing in yucky weather.
3. Binge watch
Go crazy on Netflix, this is your time. That series that has 6 seasons but everybody said is amazing and you need to start watching ASAP? Now is the time to start that and get horribly, irrevocably addicted.
4. Wear PJs all day long
Where are you going in the rain? There is not a single reason you shouldn't be in comfy PJs, wrapped in a blanket on your couch.
5. Online shopping
If you got some extra money in your bank, right now is the perfect time to browse your favorite store's website. Go ahead, treat yourself.
6. Order some take out
Let's be honest, at this point you're about halfway through a new binge on Netflix and extremely comfy in your blankets. You are not about to cook dinner for yourself. Go ahead and order that Chinese food, the day warrants it.
7. Nap
This is by far my favorite activity on a rainy day. There is nothing better then a nap right in the middle of a dreary, muggy day. Get a blanket and grab your pet for cuddles -- it's the perfect way to end a rainy afternoon.