I've been out as bisexual for about 7 years now. I've heard it all. I hope my fellow bi babes can find some humor and solace in this, and those who aren't bi can take a note or two. Let's get this party started!
1. "It's probably just a phase."
Ugh. This is the most common. Even if it is "just a phase", sexuality is completely fluid and therefore your bisexuality is still valid. But usually when you go bi, there's no turning back, cause it's completely awesome.
2. "But you've only dated one gender. How can you know?"
I've also never tried fighting a bear naked and covered in honey, but I know that I don't like that. Same way that I know that I like all genders. It's like you can be attracted to people without dating them! Who woulda guessed.
3. "I don't think you can really be scientifically attracted to all genders. Bisexuality isn't real."
Besides thousands of years of bisexuality and plenty of research to back up sexuality as a fluid thing, yeah, I totally agree. Just kidding, bisexuality is totally real because here I am, a living breathing bisexual scientific anomaly.
4. "It's all for attention, you're just trying to be special."
Why don't you read 1-3 and you'll understand that if I had a choice, I'd probably be straight. Cause I wouldn't have to put up with this crap. Just kidding, being gay is awesome, suckers.
5. "That's so hot."
The surefire way to get me NOT to go on a date with you. Believe it or not, my sexuality is for me, not for your pleasure. QUIT SEXUALIZING ME!
6. "But you like men more, right?"
This question often comes from *drumroll please* MEN! I like people. Sometimes they are men, sometimes they are women, sometimes they are neither. But pretty soon here I'm about to drop men from my life if they keep pulling this crap. My next article will be "5 ways to delete gross men from your life".
7. "Wanna have a threesome?"
I'm done. I'm out. Goodbye forever. I'm going to go into a shack in the woods where men I barely know on Tinder can not ask me this question. Gross. Despicable. I'll find your mother and send her screenshots. Bye.
To my fellow bi babes- Don't let people tell you your identity is not valid. You are beautiful and wonderful the way you are. I mean, we literally like all kinds of people, what's not to love about that? I'm about done with people stepping all over us, telling us we can lean one way or the other, there's no in between. When we come out early in our life, people tell us it's just a phase, we need to get over ourselves and just be straight. But we are not straight. We are powerful. We are valid. We are strong. We are beautiful. We are bi.