Our parents begged us not to, our high school guidance counselors advised us to choose a different path; but here we are, five studio and 3 art history classes in, and we're not turning back. To all my fellow studio art majors, here are 7 things we're sick of hearing on a damn near daily basis.
1. "Can you make (draw/paint/photoshop/etc.) something for me?!"
Oh, and you want me to do it for free because we're friends? Thank you so much for devaluing my talent and time! Bonus points if you tell me it'll help me build my portfolio.
2. "Your classes must be so easy, all you have to do is draw."
Don't assume my classes are easy until you've spent hours coming up with an idea for a piece then hours and hours trying to execute it. I guarantee you I spent waaaaay more time working on this drawing than you did studying for your last exam. And since when do all art majors sit around and draw? There are so many careers to choose from (e.g. graphic/industrial design, photography, painting, sculpture, the list is literally endless).
3. "Actually, art is easy altogether!"
Well, if it's so easy why aren't you doing it?
4. "Books are so expensive, you're so lucky you only have to buy pencils and erasers!"
Can we just take a minute to understand that BFK Rives paper is $11.99 a sheet? I've probably dropped at least $600 in art supplies/kits in the past semester or two. And at least 12 art history credits are a requirement for studio art majors which are classes you kiiiinda need books for.
5. "I'm not a huge fan of what you make/Your work isn't as good as ___'s."
Are you a critic? Do I care? No.
6. "Why didn't you choose something more practical like business or science?"
Because, frankly, there are too many doctors, lawyers, and CEOs in the world. And also I don't like math. It's hard to be interested in or excited by something you don't like (lookin' at you, Accounting), so why would I choose to do that for the rest of my life?
7. "You know, you'll never get a job with an art degree."
I beg to differ, especially with the job placement in many creative fields are each expected to increase immensely by 2020. Besides that, there are so many types of jobs one can land with a degree in Graphic Design; art/creative director, marketing manager, product or web designer, and architecture/engineering drafter to name a few.
So before you start thinking we're all directionless hippies, think again.