As a fully functioning coffee addict, I feel as if can relate to Lorelai Gilmore on a spiritual level. I find a little bit of comfort in the fact that someone else experiences the same insatiable need for this caffeinated liquid gold that I do. We won't talk about how that person is, in fact, a fictional character and not an actual person. Whatever. Here is a list of quotes from the caffeine queen herself that explain in great detail just what it's like to be a human with more coffee than blood in your veins.
1. First things first, mornings just do not happen without coffee. Especially early mornings.
2. Coffee is not just a habit. It's not even a lifestyle. It's EVERYTHING.
3. Coffee is the solution to all of the world's problems.
4. Sometimes, you lose count of how many cups you've had in a day.
5. Going without coffee? Not even an option.
6. Decaf coffee isn't coffee at all. IT'S JUST NOT.
7. Your most frequently used sentence:
Lorelai Gilmore just gets it. She understands those of us that will just keep drinking until the pot is empty. And that we'll be the first to put on a fresh pot when it is.