You see them almost daily as you're walking to class. They're the people walking with a bright-eyed family of five, or they're leading a mob of high schoolers. You almost always know when you've met a campus tour guide because they all share certain qualities and quirks, no matter what campus you're on. If you're a campus tour guide, these things might be all too true for you:
1. You know more random facts about your college than anyone else.
You- "Did you know that mural has 286,200 tiles on it? Did you know that Old Main was the first building on campus in 1894 when there were only 366 people attending our school? Did you know--"
Your friend- "How on earth do you know all of this?!"
2. You have mastered the art of walking backward while talking at the same time.
Have you ever seen a tour guide trip? I didn't think so! We are more coordinated than you can even imagine.
3. You seem to always be wired on five cups of coffee, but really that's just how energetic you are on a regular basis.
Doesn't matter how much sleep you've gotten, you're a bright ray of sunshine at all hours of the day!
4. You are not only a tour guide, but you also seem to be involved in 100 other things on campus.
Your friend- "Wait so you have two jobs, you're vice president of a club, you're in a sorority, you're in two other clubs, and yet you still manage to get good grades?! AND YOU'RE A TOUR GUIDE?"
You- "Trust me, I don't know how I do it either, but I love it!"
5. You know where every single thing on campus is.
If you're ever lost, find a tour guide. Tour guides are like walking maps of campus.
6. Work never seems like work when you're giving a tour.
Who doesn't love a job where you just get to walk around and talk for an hour or two? It may be the only job where you'll get paid to practically have a conversation!
7. You have more school pride than anyone else on campus.
Campus tour guides wouldn't do what they do if they didn't love their school. You've had an amazing experience so far at your school and you want to share your enthusiasm with prospective new students. Share your love for campus loud and proud!