7 Struggles of Watching Your Baby Sister Grow Up
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7 Struggles of Watching Your Baby Sister Grow Up

It's a weird feeling being so proud of someone you wiped a few boogers on back in the day.

7 Struggles of Watching Your Baby Sister Grow Up

Having a younger sister is like having a second shadow: she's always right behind you following and occasionally mimicking yourevery move. She wears your clothes, hangs out with your friends, and basically worships the ground you walk on (even though she won't admit it.) Being a big sister to a little sister is tough, though, mostly because of the constant fighting and arguing, but then there's the feeling of combined sadness and joy when you watch her grow up and experience things that you know all too well - things like this:

1. Her first heartbreak.

You've been there and done that, and you weren't entirely sure that you could survive it. But you did, and now you're here to cry because your baby sister's crying over losing her first love. Then when the tears have dried, you're prepared to destroy all the things that remind her of him and have a girl's night together (which you'd probably never do otherwise.) You're a walking break-up survival kit, and you're ready to mend your little sister's broken heart any time day or night.

2. Her first car.

Listen, driving is scary, okay? And when your little sister's behind the wheel, a tiny 4-door car suddenly becomes a high-powered death machine. You aren't so much worried about her as you are other drivers on the road (okay, maybe she's not THAT great at driving), because you've been in rush hour traffic before and you're pretty sure that your deadly case of road rage is contagious. The worst part, though, is her first accident. No matter how big or small the wreck, you're gonna be there to make sure she's okay first then interrogate her further than the police after.

3. Her first job.

She's 16, and she has her driver's license and a car. She thinks she's grown by now, so as any adult would do, of course, she gets a part-time job. It's up to you to show her how to apply and how to manage her money once she lands a position. Little do you know, she has an obsession with clothes and make-up and all your efforts at building a financial foundation for her future are gonna be washed down the drain. Literally.

4. Her first prom.

The glitz. The glam. The dress. The hair. The nails. The make-up. The party. The after party... Uh oh... You warn her not to do anything you wouldn't do, which may not be much of a warning to heed, but you check in with her periodically throughout the night just to make sure that everything's peachy keen... and to make sure she still has a pulse.

5. Her high school graduation.

Growing up, you weren't entirely sure that she had the intelligence to get this far, so you're straight ugly crying when the date of her high school graduation finally arrives. It's a weird feeling being so proud of someone you wiped a few boogers on back in the day, but it's very satisfying and fulfilling because you know that she took every word of your advice throughout her high school career.

6. Her 18th birthday.

When your baby sister has the maturity of a 12-year-old, it's hard to imagine her being labeled as a legal adult by the law of the land. She refuses to go to Walmart by herself, so how is she prepared to gamble all her money away on lottery tickets? This is a crucial moment in being a big sister, because it's now your responsibility to show her how to be an adult when you're barely one yourself. Good luck.

7. Her dreams coming true.

I was so incredibly proud of my sister the day that she graduated from cosmetology school. She's always wanted to be a hair stylist and a nail tech, and she went after her dream. That drive, that dedication - yeah, she got that from me. She watched me shed blood, sweat, and tears to be the best I could be in high school to ensure that I was accepted to my college of choice, and she translated that into her own life. Your baby sister watches you, even when you think she isn't looking.

You know how it goes, you can pick on your little sister, but if anyone else tries to, you're ready to throw down. Even if you don't really care, she's always asking for your opinion because she values it. Having a younger sister is one of the most stressful experienced in love but it's also one of the most rewarding, because no matter how old she gets, she'll always be your baby sister.

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