With the end of the semester approaching fast classes are becoming tougher than ever. I have countless exams, lab practicals, and assignments each week and the stress levels are getting a little unhealthy. The majority of my thoughts these days include counting down the days left of class, how nice it would be to get a full night of sleep, and wow I can't wait to go home and eat my weight in turkey. The struggles truly are real and here are some of them:
1.) You rarely ever know what is going on
The majority of your time spent studying includes learning what you need to be studying. The professors all assume you know way more than you do and "fake it until you make it" becomes your new favorite expression.
2.) You are caffeinated 24/7
The late nights of studying often require some kind of pick me up even if coffee isn't your thing. Don't be surprised to see me making myself a cup (or 5) each night, usually about the same time my roommate is going to bed.
3.) Those late nights lead to pretty frequent sleep deprivation
There are some nights lately where I am up until 3 AM studying for an exam that I will be dragging my butt to take in five hours. On these nights, I usually say a real prayer that I will actually wake up to take said exam. I will then spend the whole weekend catching up on my sleep, unless of course I need to be studying.
4.) The concept of a "break" doesn't sit well with your professors
Yes, I wanted to study all of the muscles of a cat while I watch the the thanksgiving day parade, how did you know. Some professors are worse about this than others, but I have never in my collegiate career had a break with no classwork (except Christmas obviously, and that is only because we are not enrolled in classes).
5.) You recalculate your grade often
With exams quickly approaching it is very important you know how well you need to do on each assignment to get the grade you want in the class, or to pass, you know whatever works.
6.) You often have nerdy moments that no one else understands
Sometimes you forget that all of your friends aren't learning the same things as you. When you see something that relates to your classes you clearly need to make the connection for them, then realize just how nerdy it truly sounded afterwards.
7.) Most days you are just ready to give up
At the end of a long day it would be so much easier to quit. To change your major and watch everything on Netflix for a month straight, BUT you stick through to get the degree that you want. Plus if you majored in something else what would you have to complain about all the time anyways?