People are often confused by the two aspects of our personality that they declare opposites, being quiet and being social. Most people assume that we are timid merely because we do not talk often enough. They think that we would prefer the seclusion of our room away from the rest of society. While we do need that space to recharge, we also need human interaction to thrive.
1. The first few minutes in a new place are extremely awkward.
You barely participate in conversations let alone start one. Going to new places involves making awkward eye contact and pretending to be very busy on your phone. When someone finally approaches you, all the worry fades away and you are happy to be there.
2. Having a long time friend around boosts your sociability.
Your best friends know how you work. They bring up the topics and let the rest follow. With them around, you are truly comfortable and often forget the rules of society.
3. You are not angry or depressed just quiet.
While the concern for your well being is touching, the constant questions are tiring. Then, after assuring them that you are fine, they tend to not believe you. People will even get frustrated with you over little things, because they believe you are being passive aggressive.
4. The person who makes space in the conversation for you is a godsend.
Sometimes you do not talk because you are waiting for a break in the conversation or something that would involve you. God bless the people that will ask you questions or quiet the group for you.
5. Others assume you do not want to go out and will even neglect to invite you.
After a boring night in, you get on social media to see your friends hanging out without you. When you ask, they thought that you would not want to go out. This leaves you having to constantly drop hints about wanting to socialize.
6. The shocked face on others when the conversation turns to something you are passionate about is priceless.
You would think that the dog just spoke from their face. In fact, that face would make an excellent contact photo for them. At times, you have to remind people that you do have coherent thoughts and the ability to speak.
7. Your family and best friends think of you as anything but quiet.
Most of the time they are probably wishing that you would shut up. This is where you get all your talking done after all.