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Junior Year

The 7 things that my 3rd year taught me

Junior Year

It's my last week in my apartment, I have two finals left slated for next Monday and my apartment is currently scattered with boxes, tissue paper, bubble wrap, and all the makings to pack us up and out. As I pack various armloads of dishes, pans, cleaning supplies and other things, I am flooded with a mixture of different memories from this year. These are the plates we had our first dinner together on. This is our roommate who is in Brazil's favorite mug. "Remember when we got this," I laugh, looking at my roommate and holding something up. We give some things to our roommate who joined us in the spring, who will be preparing for her apartment next year over the summer. Wow. The realization that all of this has come to an end is scary and thrilling, all at once. And it's all just part of the unexpected magic and horror that is junior year.

1. Junior year will kick your butt, academically.

From week one, you'll be expected to be organized, accustomed to having lots of different tasks to do at once, and to be checking your syllabus all the time. Professors likely won't give you daily reminders of homework. If you show up to a discussion-based class without having read the book you'll be discussing, it won't be no big deal. Amazon Kindle's smartphone app may be able to save you on this front. You'll also be expected to get to class on time and to show up to class. It's not cool to be skipping class because you slept in by the time you're a junior.

2. You have to go grocery shopping if you want to stay alive

Trips to Taylor/Charlies will turn into trips to Price Chopper, where you're trying to buy soap, and all the things you need to cook for yourself. Having your own kitchen can be a blessing and a curse sometimes. It's great because it means you never have to worry about the clique situation at Taylor/Charlies, but it also means having to pay for groceries and make sure that you've got enough each week to keep up with the study grind.

3. Being 21 does not mean you can get drunk on a Monday

This one speaks for itself. Yes, you're legal this year, finally, woo hoo! No, this does not serve as an excuse to get drunk on nights when you have to do important things the next day. A mixed drink with a splash of something? That's debatable acceptable, but doing a series of shots when you have a 9:30 class Tuesday is not how you adult.

4. Being in upperclassman apartment-style housing means having to clean your own place

From what I know about some apartments in my building, some seem to think that keeping your place clean is an optional thing. However, it's really important that you find a way to make sure that the bathroom and kitchen get cleaned at least once a week. Otherwise, you could end up with a scarily messy apartment on move-out day of each semester.

5. Start applying for internships

So, junior year is a good time to apply for internships. Whether you'd like to do your internship during your second semester of junior year, or your first semester of your senior year, it's time to go down to the CDIC and talk to Nikki and Shannon about how you should go about applying for positions that will work for your field. Go to job fairs, connect with alumni who might be able to hook you up with good opportunities via LinkedIn and make sure that your resume is up to date. If you don't know how to write a cover letter, now's your chance to figure that out before it's your senior year.

#6 Make yourself a priority

With all you'll have to do during junior year, you'll really want to be sure that you put yourself first. This means that sometimes, you'll be invited to something that you can't go to because you're tired from class, your internship, or from something else. It's okay to say no sometimes. Remember how hard you're working. Forgive yourself for not being perfect, for sometimes not having it all together, and for being extremely stressed often. No matter what, don't forget to reward yourself a little each day, to keep yourself going.

#7   You just might gain some of the best friends you've ever had, during junior year

With all of its stresses, hardships and frustrating situations, junior year will be deep and bring you close with your crew. By the time it's over, you'll feel like family, if you don't already. You'll be each other's support system, grocery shopping buddy and the person who you'll probably celebrate your 21st with. Pour a shot on a Friday night and say cheers to a friendship that got deep because of junior year.

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