Being an upperclassman comes with its perks. After being around for two years, we know our way around, have our friends and are pretty set on what we want to do. We also finally get to live off campus and turn 21! Of course, not everything is all butterflies and rainbows, though. Here are some struggles we all face as new upperclassmen.
1. Cleaning
We get to live off campus or in apartments, but that means that there is so much more cleaning to do than our tiny little dorm rooms.
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2. Cooking
Not getting a meal plan can be brutal sometimes when you have that night class or are just too lazy to cook. You'll rely on a cup of noodles more than usual now.
3. Sharing
With the apartment/house comes roommates. Sure they are our friends, but having more roommates makes it harder to get things done and stay sane.
4. Becoming Legal
For most of us, we finally turn 21. The babies of the grade have to watch all of their friends celebrate their 21st at the bars while they're still sending people out to get a case of beer.
5. Classes
General Education classes are over, but we start getting into the harder, denser, courses that go with our major which end up being a total snooze fest.
6. Internships
Along with taking classes that seem to be impossible, we need to start fluffing up our resumes. Sooner or later, we'll be going to look for jobs and having to show what we've learned from our college education (besides how to funnel a beer).
7. The Future
The future is approaching fast, and it is scary. We have to decide what we're doing with the rest of our lives. It's one big daunting decision that terrifies everyone.