Despite being one of only two options, left-handed people make up only 10% of the population, myself included. Because we are such a minority, we often face struggles in a world that was definitely built with right-handed people in mind.
While these struggles are minor and usually pretty easy to adapt to, they remind us that this is a right-handed world and we're just living in it. If you're a fellow lefty, you can probably relate to at least one of these seven struggles.
1. Scissors
If you're left-handed, scissors are a pain. I usually have to flip them back and forth a couple times to get the positioning right. They do make special scissors for lefties, but those are pretty hard to come by.
2. Any writing leaves a mark.
All lefties know the struggle of having marks all over the side of your hand (and all over the paper) from your hand dragging across. Whether you use pen, pencil, or marker, it's going to stay with you for the rest of the day.
3. So do spiral notebooks.
Not only do lefties have to deal with ink all over our hands, we also have imprints from where our hands rest on the metal spirals in our notebooks. This is not only annoying but also painful.
4. Where do our arms go?
It took me until college to realize that the metal bar connecting the seat to the desk was on the right side so that a "normal" right-handed person could rest their arm on it while writing. We lefties just have our arms hanging over the other side of the desk. We also know the sheer joy of finding that rare desk where the seat is attached on the left side.
5. We appear to be clumsier than righties.
Have you walked toward somebody and done that little dance where you lean over to move out of their way, but you both end up leaning in the same direction? Chances are that another person was a lefty. We have a tendency to lean to our dominant side, meaning that a lefty and righty facing each other will tend to go in the same direction. We're not intentionally trying to bump into you, I promise.
6. Our cup holders are on the wrong side.
This is only really an issue if you're the one driving the car, but annoying nonetheless. Sure, there are sometimes little slots in the door to put your drink in, but those are a lot less convenient than the console between the front seats.