If you're like me, you apologize for the littlest things. This comes from having anxiety. I used to have to apologize for the stupidest things like not texting my friends back or not being able to go out with them. What I've recently discovered is that a lot of the things I (and others) have been apologizing for are no reason to apologize at all.
1. Your appearance
Women are constantly scrutinized for wearing too much or too little makeup, or not doing their hair, or ALWAYS having perfect hair. Honestly, as a woman you can never win. The only solution is to STOP APOLOGIZING for it. All that matters is that you feel good in your own skin, covered in foundation and mascara or not.
2. Having feelings
It's a scientific phenomenon to have feelings these days. Everyone walks around acting like nothing bothers them and they are calm, cool, and collected 24/7. It's actually normal to feel emotion. If you like someone, tell them. If you don't like something someone did, tell them that too. Your feelings matter, and it's important to truly express them.
3. Wanting to stay in
We've all gone through the "getting invited to a party and saying yes only because we feel bad for saying no" situation. Reality check, if you don't want to go and go anyway, you won't have fun. You'll be checking the clock every 5 minutes and planning your escape plan. Do what you want to do. If that means staying in with a bottle of wine, a bubble bath, and some chick flicks then more power to you.
4. Not texting back immediately
We are all busy people and it should be a common understanding that we can't always reply within the first 30 seconds of seeing a message. And if you're one of those people who get mad when someone doesn't text back right away, you need to calm down. Just because you aren't busy right now doesn't mean the other person isn't. Furthermore, if you're feeling antisocial and just don't want to deal with people at that moment, or even an hour or two later, then take the time to yourself and don't reply. They'll get over it and you'll feel better.
5. Cutting off a relationship/friendship
Some people are downright exhausting and those types of people can have a very negative influence on your mood and daily life. Don't feel bad if you have to cut someone out of your life for your benefit. Although, try to do it in the nicest way possible.
6. Your personal interests
There are not "girl interests" and 'boy interests." If you love hunting and being in the country, that's fabulous. If you love fashion and being in the heart of the city, that's great too! Don't apologize for your interests just because someone doesn't share them. Maybe they don't know enough about them, and you can educate each other.
7. Asking for help
Seriously, we're all humans, and we all need help sometimes. This doesn't mean you're inadequate or stupid. Even your boss/professor/parent has had to ask for help before, and it's not a bother to them. All I ask is this: after you ask for help listen to the answer so that you don't have to ask again. No one likes to repeat themselves.