Here, I created a list of steps for undergraduate students to follow in order to be better equipped at dealing with all their schoolwork, actually enjoy their courses, and come out on top.
1. Prioritize.
If you know you have a ton of assignments coming up in the next couple of weeks, make sure to plan accordingly. Clear out time throughout the week to sit down and grind out your work.
Stay organized.
Doing well in school is all about being orderly. Make sure to constantly jot down the due dates of all your homework assignments, exams, essays, and readings to ensure you are staying on top of your work and keeping up with deadlines. You don't want to be that person who is constantly relying on their classmates to check- up on due dates. Be proactive.
Meet with your Teaching Assistants.
I promise you this will be super helpful. TA's are literally there to guide you through the course, by clarifying fast-paced lectures and confusing assignments. They have office hours for a reason, so don't be shy and go seek out the extra help you are privileged to have.
Do not compare yourself to others.
Drawing from personal experience, I am one to spend many, many hours studying. I mean, endless hours on end so I am prepared for my upcoming test; while, others spend a total of 15 minutes reviewing their notes and end up squeezing out an A on the exam. Although this may seem unfair, if you are like me and need to work extra hard for a great GPA, than just accept it and be proud that your work paid off.
Stay off your phone in class.
I cannot stress enough how significant it is to listen to your teacher during lecture and get rid of your cell phone. I assure you those that stay attentive and take great notes during actual class time will have less studying to do outside of class and do better on the exams than those who are constantly checking their device to stay updated with the latest gossip. I promise you not going on your phone for an hour or less will not make or break your social life.
Stay ahead of the game.
Studying the night before is not the way to go. I've been there, and it ends up with me going to sleep at 3:00am and waking up with huge bags under my eyes and then taking the test like an actual zombie, with the only thought on mind as to when I can go back to sleep as soon as possible. Thus, start studying at least a week in advance and get that good night sleep the night before the exam, so you are full of energy and more importantly, mentally- stable the day of the test.
Remember that you are not ALWAYS going to do well.
No one is perfect. Even Ivy League students have failed an exam before. It is okay to do poorly on an exam as long as you feel you put in the time and effort to study. You'll just be that more motivated to receive a great score on the next test to balance out your grade and come out like a true champ!