In college, there are several factors that go into getting good grades. Yet, I believe the hardest part of college is not necessarily getting good grades, but maintaining them. Often times I see college student’s fall into the “burn-out trap.” These students overwork themselves their first semester or two to receive good grades, and then fall into a pit where they can no longer maintain those grades because they are physically, mentally and emotionally drained. Therefore, here are 7 helpful tips to not only get, but maintain, good grades in college.
1. Go to class
Many students make the mistake of thinking they can skip class and merely do a courses homework, and still get a good grade.This is not a good strategy. Believe it or not, going to class and paying attention to content is essential to doing well on all graded assignments. Professors teach their subjects in all different ways so going to class is essential for gaining a full understanding of the course in terms of what the professor chooses to focus on. Counting on homework assignments to get you a good grade will most likely completely backfire.
2. Take notes
Taking notes on assigned readings and in-class might seem tedious in the moment, but you'll thank yourself when finals come around. It's impossible to take multiple classes a semester and retain all of their content on your own. Taking notes is an easy and stress free solution. In the event of a test or quiz you'll already have the content written down!
3. Take as many courses you're interested in as possible
Every now and again, we have to take a required course that we may not enjoy so much. Yet, when you have the opportunity to choose a course or two, I highly encourage you to take a good look at your schools course catalog. Read a few course descriptions on subjects you're interested in, and make it a priority to sign up for as many as you can! Taking classes that interest you will not only motivate you to do well, but will naturally allow you to pay attention in class because you will be excited to learn more on the subject. I suggest doing you're best to fit at least two courses of your liking into your schedule per semester.
4. Choose a class schedule that allows you a healthy lifestyle
I can't stress the importance of this one enough. A few semesters ago I made the mistake of deciding to take an 8 a.m. statistics class while not being a morning person at all, and have zero interest in math (it was a required course). I was MISERABLE and taking this class created an unhealthy lifestyle for me. I was stressed about the classes material all the time, and I hated every second of it. This schedule did not allow me to work up to my full academic potential. Leading a healthy lifestyle and sleeping well are essential to doing well in school. We all have to adjust our schedules sometimes, but do your best to choose a schedule that fits your lifestyle.
5. Balance work and play
Getting and keeping good grades takes dedication a lots of hard-work. Yet, it's important to make time for other things that are important to you as well, so you don't over-work yourself and burn out mid semester. Not only should you take short breaks during long study sessions, but you should also dedicate whole, or at least half, days to doing things you enjoy, outside of school work. Doing this will allow you to come back to your work re-energized and more concentrated. It's actually proven to produce better results!
6. Exercise
I know you hear this one all the time, but I feel the need to stress it's importance in relation to work ethic and getting good grades. Exercising causes the release of endorphin's which naturally allows us to de-stress. Even if it's only 20 minutes a day, exercising is essential for letting go of stress in order to fully focus on school work.
7. Treat Yourself!
Sometimes we forget to acknowledge and reward ourselves when we’ve done a good job. After you’ve received a good grade on a test, written an amazing paper or dedicated hours to studying, treat yourself! Whether you do something with friends, splurge on a special item, indulge yourself with some chocolate or your favorite ice cream, it's important to acknowledge your accomplishments.