7 Step Guide to Getting Straight A's | The Odyssey Online
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7 Step Guide to Getting Straight A's

Tested, tinkered, and approved by yours truly.

7 Step Guide to Getting Straight A's

One common goal between all college students is to improve their grades compared to the prior semester. I have been fortunate enough to get fairly good grades, and think that I may be able to help other people raise their GPA. My seven step technique can help anyone attain better grades. The key is to make the teacher think you are very smart, and then they will award you with the highly coveted A.

Step 1: Do not go to every class

This is the most important step to obtaining a good grade. The more classes that you miss, the more your teacher thinks you know. This is just simple logic, as if you are not going to class then the teacher knows that you, one) already know the information and, two) have more important things to do. Make sure that you randomly skip classes, as you want your teacher to always be guessing whether you will make it to class or not.

Step 2: You cannot take notes, ever

Taking notes is for people who cannot remember everything they hear, and the teacher knows this. So even if you do not remember everything a teacher says, you just need to act like you do. Also, taking notes is incredibly tedious, and allows you more free time to work on completing step 3.

Step 3: Correct every single mistake that the teacher or classmates make

Most of these steps are designed just to give the impression that you are incredibly smart, but correcting any mistake made will let you show other people how smart you are. Accuracy is held very highly in academia, so helping everyone become more accurate by correcting them will help benefit everyone. Correct everything from spelling in the teachers slides, to his or her pronunciation of certain words. This will not only allow you to become well-liked by your classmates, but also demonstrate to your teacher your vast knowledge and incredible attention to detail.

Step 4: Disregard the syllabus

A syllabus is essentially a document that contains nonsensical policy information. The content of all syllabi are about the same, so once you have read one, you have read them all. The teacher is usually required to prepare a syllabus and will then never refer to it or expect you to know the information outlined in it. Some people may argue that you need to look at a syllabus to determine when your tests will be, but using my study method outlined here you only need 12 hours before the exam to ace it.

Step 5: Pull all-nighters in order to cram for exams

I am sure you have heard that cramming and all-nighters are not a good study habit. Well, forget that, because they definitely work. The reason they tell you that this strategy does not work is because they don’t want you to be able to spend less time studying and get better test scores. Red Bull, skittles, and headphones are the three essential items to a successful all-nighter. The Red Bull is self-explanatory. Skittles are needed to keep your blood sugar high which will help you focus, and are also a good nutritional source of food as they taste like fruit which is healthy. The headphones are needed in order to listen to Mozart while you study. They will also be used during study breaks where you watch episodes of "Entourage."

Step 6: Keep your headphones in during class

Wearing headphones not only makes you look cool, but also helps you appear as a great multitasker. If you have the ability to listen to the lecture, correct your teacher, and listen the Kanye’s new album, then you must be some sort of super human. This is exactly what the teacher will think, and will become more likely to give you the A you deserve.

Step 7: Minimize the amount of time you spend on homework

Homework is given with the sole purpose of taking up your time as a student. There is nothing to be learned from these assignments, so make sure that you spend as little time as possible doing it. This can be achieved by the buddy system. The buddy system involves getting a friend to do all of the homework for you in exchange of your friendship that you will give them.

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