As the school year ramps up, the eventual doom of exhaustion becomes ever more prevalent. Term papers, video projects, late night runs to Cook-Out, design portfolio deadlines, and amazing friends seem to keep us up and busy. Next thing you know, it's four hours until your morning class and you haven't slept yet. Sorry mom and dad! For all of those "crazy college kids" out there, here are the seven stages of exhaustion.
1. The "I haven't totally woken up yet."
This stage usually hits right after you first wake up. Your body hasn't completely started working yet, making you use toothpaste as hair gel or pour your coffee next to your mug and not in it. The first stage of exhaustion is the detriment of all professors with 8:00 a.m. classes, because no one's brain has actually started yet.
2. The post-meal need for a nap.
I can't figure out what it is about food (especially dining hall food), but my need for a nap is intense post-meal. Whether it's lunch or dinner, I want nothing more than to lay down and close my eyes for a little bit. I feel a bit like an infant who needs a bottle and a nap, and really, I'm 100 percent okay with it. University is hard, so don't let anyone tell you differently.
3. The bored phase.
This phase of exhaustion starts to hit whenever you get down to crank out some work. It's like something in your brain is triggered when you open your "Biology of Life" textbook and instantly, you need a bed and a comfy blanket ASAP. Or this can hit you when you don't know where your friends are and you're just chilling by yourself. Then it's time to treat yo' self to a nappy-nap.
4. The "I yawn, you yawn, lets get Dunkin'."
It's for sure night time at this point. Your buddy yawns and mentions his fatigue, and you realize that you've been living in a tired state of denial for the last couple of hours. The solution for this is obviously to get some caffeine flowing in your body. A late night run to Dunkin' Donuts or a local coffee shop is the perfect bandaid solution for this slightly numbing blow.
5. The slap-happy "YEEEEAAAAHHH."
By far the best stage of exhaustion yet. The filter? It's gone. Maturity? Out of the roof. Any sense of personal or societal boundaries? Bon voyage! The jokes get dumber and the laughs get bigger. Tears can be triggered by an old internet meme because pretty much everything is funny at this point. This is also the time of night when you say, "I think that joke just gave me a six pack" because you just LOL'ed so hard your stomach is literally burning.
6. The deep talks.
If you didn't sucumb to sleep after the slap happy phase, a deep talk is the next place to go. Deep and honest conversation is easy when both parties are tired. You start to overthink less and the front that we all put up really goes down. Deep personal conversations are ideal at three or four in the morning because everyone is so honest and not as sensitive to what is being said. Everyone is chill and it's great.
7. The "I. Need. My. Bed."
Cranky, cranky, cranky! This last phase is the "I don't care who you are or what you want, I need to go to sleep now" phase. Usually some rude words are said, or nothing is said and your only mission is to get into your penguin pajamas and get the heck to sleep. For me, I usually am very frank and sassy at this point. Don't get in between me and my bed, boy!
So what stage are you? Did you just wake up for your 8:15 or are you running off of four hours of sleep and desperately need your bed? What is your funniest story that came out of a moment of slap happiness? Have you ever stared at the stars super late at night with some good friends and had really great moments of intentional and deep conversation? Are you a night time coffee drinker or a morning drinker only? Let us know in the comments!