Finals week: the last week of the semester where sweat pants are the norm, the caffeine supply never runs out, and crying at any time on campus is not frowned upon. Here are seven songs that all too accurately describe this infamous hell week. Good luck and gig 'em.
1. When you're still relatively optimistic at the beginning - Who Gon Stop Me by Jay Z and Kanye West.
At this point you're still feeling pretty great about your tests. You've been studying a good amount, you're feeling like you're a force to be reckoned with and you're thinking "bring it on profs!" Who gon stop you, huh?
2. When it's 1am the night before your first test - I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance.
Now the sleep deprivation is starting to kick in. You haven't eaten real food in days and your blood content is basically pure caffeine. You kind of want to cry or sleep but any of that would just mean that you're losing precious study time. So to say the least, you are not okay.
3. When you get killed by your first exam but have to keep going - Tubthumping by Chumbawamba.
So you've taken your first exam and maybe it didn't go as well as you'd hoped. But you have to quickly brush off this L and get ready to take on your next test. You may have gotten knocked down (hard) but you will get up again!
4. When you reach the middle of the week and the hysteria starts kicking in - Survivor by Destiny's Child.
By this point the sleep deprivation is in full swing. You can't remember the last time you slept more than 3 hours and you know for a fact that all you've consumed in the last week is takeout and coffee by the gallon. But you are a survivor (of finals week lol) and you will make it through this.
5.. When you're finally at the end of the week and have one final left - It's the End of the World As We Know It by R.E.M.
At this point you are wholeheartedly accepting the fact that you could very well fail out of school. Alternate career choices fill your search bar and you start to think that your mom's couch at home couldn't be so bad for a few years. The world as you know it seems to be ending, but you feel fine.
6. When you walk out of your last final - Move B***h by Ludacris.
Once you hand in your last final exam, anyone who stands between you and the door is just collateral damage. You can finally sleep for a full night, eat a real meal and won't have to look at caffeine again for at least three weeks. So you better move b******, get out the way.
7. When you get your grades back and didn't actually fail - Shots by LMFAO.
You deserve it, kids. Go crazy.