7 Simple Ways to Serve This MLK Day | The Odyssey Online
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7 Simple Ways to Serve This MLK Day

He had a dream and you have some time.

7 Simple Ways to Serve This MLK Day

All around the world, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is known as a man of justice who dedicated himself to serving others boldly and with great devotion. So it’s only right that we as a nation pay it forward come MLK day/Service Day.

Of course, sometimes serving others can be a teensy bit overwhelming. With people in need and noble causes everywhere in sight, it’s natural to think, “What should I choose?”, “Where do I start?” and “Who can I call?” Luckily, we live in a day and age where reaching others is the most convenient it’s ever been. Here are seven acts of kindness definitely worth putting into full effect today as we celebrate the legacy of Dr. King.

1. Pay for someone’s groceries.

Serving someone can sometimes be as simple as a random act of kindness. If you’re headed to the store and that paycheck just came in, try offering to pick up the tab for someone in around you!

2. Volunteer at church.

Nine times out of ten, a church near you has already planned a service day, or is in the midst of doing so. Get in on all the action by asking around. Being around likeminded people who also want to help make our communities better places to live in is an encouraging way to bring in the holiday and just meet some good-hearted folks.

3. Fund someone’s GoFundMe.

Spreading the word about acts of service used to be kind of a head scratcher. But nowadays, anyone can ask complete strangers to donate to their cause no problem. This year, head to GoFundMe and make someone’s day.

4. Clean out your house and donate.

When January rolls around, all anyone wants to do is start the year off right and get rid of everything they don’t want and surely don’t need. Instead of throwing all those things right in the trash, find a thrift store, charity or nonprofit to give those goods to.

5. Make dinner for a neighbor.

One of the best surprises a person can get is a good ol’ home-cooked meal. Try making a jam-packed work day a touch easier by delivering dinner to a family (or families) near you. It’ll be one more thing crossed off their to-do list.

6. Donate to an underrepresented cause.

The news cycle can be a beast when it comes to the disasters of our world. One minute, tota; tragedy is plastered all over your screen days. The next minute, a panda gives birth and it’s like nothing ever happened. Make a point to return to some forgotten hardships today. Donate water to Flint, Michigan. Help those still impacted by last year’s Hurricane Matthew. Research how you can further help Aleppo survivors.

7. Give random compliments.

Serving isn’t all just about how much money you can give, or what you can do with your hands. Sometimes, what someone really needs is a good hug and some verbal encouragement. Ladies, tell another woman how great she looks in her outfit. Sons, tell your mother she did an amazing job raising you. Besties, send the peanut butters to your jellies a sentimental text of gratitude. Everyone needs a good pick-me-up. Why not start today?

Happy MLK Day and happy serving, everyone!

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