Let's be real for a second. Who actually likes school? I dread it and for those that also hate it, I bet you can relate to at least some of these sure signs that school is just not for you.
1. I think we can all agree procrastination is an art. However, when school is not your forte, procrastination is taken to a whole other level. You also procrastinate to the point that you miss the deadline and then you just kind of shrug it off like ‘eh, too late now’. Just me?
I'll do ANYTHING besides homework.
2. Find yourself actually looking for distractions? Yeah, that’s a sure sign you don’t want to be doing whatever it is you’re doing, duh. This is just a form of procrastination, but oh the limitless excuses!
I believe Netflix was invented as the ultimate distraction.
3. So, you aren’t doing your homework and what even is studying? This can only result in one thing. Dropping your class. And you drop it without even blinking an eye. It’ll be made up eventually, right?
Snoop Dog always has the right things to say.
4. No seriously. What is studying?
Lol. Studying.
5. I tend to celebrate when I get a C in a class. No shame for letting people know I aced my class only to have them question me: "Oh, You got an A?”. Well, not exactly, but if it’s passing its good.
That's how I reason with it. Can't be the only one...
6. You actually spend time calculating how many points you’ll lose if you don’t submit an assignment. The irony: you’re too lazy to just do the assignment instead. It’s okay. I’m guilty of this too.
Honestly, it's probably a lot of both.
7. You also calculate how many absences you used up and what would happen if you miss just one more than you should. It is a bit of work, but every once in a while you need to check in with your academic standing. Just being a good student, that’s all.
My love for school...it's not going to happen.